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It's been a month since Alby came up here and sixty-one days since I arrived. We woke up to the box rising. It seems only to come up once a month. And if there is someone in there, we expect things will continue the way they are going. Alby and I made doors for all of the buildings, and he even started going into the Maze with me. We realized it is best to run the Maze, as it covers more ground.

"Come on, Alby. It's been making that noise for almost an hour, which means it's going to be up soon." I said, trying to get Alby to give up on making his bed.

"Millie, I'm almost done."

"I don't care. I'm excited, let's go." Alby grunted as I pulled his arm and dragged him with me. When we got to the box, it was quiet. "It stopped," I said softly. "Grab the ladder, just in case. I'll open the box." Ably grabbed the ladder we used to apply wood to the homestead roof. We made it after all the rain stopped, it was big, but the roof collapsed a couple of days ago. On the bright side, we think it should hold this time.

I opened the box and was met with a blonde-haired boy. Alby decided to talk first, which couldn't have been a worse Idea. "Get your klunk-stained butt out of there!" He yelled. I continued looking at the boy. Who seemed absolutely terrified.

"I got this, Alby. You're only making him more scared." I said softly. Then with ease, I jumped down into the box. "Hey, welcome to the Glade, Greenie."

"Who are you?" The blonde-haired boy asked. He had a funny accent, British maybe.

"My name is Millie. I'm the-erm-well-"

"She's the leader of the Glade." Alby chimed in. I gave him a nod and brought my attention back to the boy.

"I guess you could call me that."

"And who's he?"

"My-erm-second in command."

"And why does it sound like you are making this all up?" The blonde spoke.

"Because I kinda am making it up as I go. I've only done this one other time. But that's not important. Do you remember your name?"

"I don't remember anything."

"It's normal not to remember. Neither of us did until our second day here. We will take you out and hopefully you can help us get everything out of the box?" I turned around and was met with Alby's hand. I took it and stepped onto the grass. "Alright, give me your hand Greanbean."

"Thanks." He said with a half-smile as his feet hit the grass. I returned it as I let go of his hand.

"Alright, how about I show you around the place? But before we start, do you have any questions?" The boy started talking so fast I couldn't manage to catch any of the words he was saying.

"Look at me!" I said loudly but in a calm manner. "Slow down, okay? There is plenty of time. What's your first question?"

"Where are we?"

"I'm not sure, but we call it the Glade."

"Why are we here?"

"Again, I'm not sure. Just remember I don't have all the answers."

"Why did they provide us with buildings but no way out?"

"Well, they gave us a way out, but they didn't give us buildings."

"But," The blonde started. "there are buildings, and there is no way out. We are stuck between four huge walls."

"Greenie, these huts were made within the last two months, the big one, was the only one I had help with, and the walls open and close at the same time every day."

The First Gladerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें