I'm Sorry

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I'd never seen my life flash before my eyes before, not like this. I never had Newt be in the centre of my memories, yet here he was. From the moment we met until I left to run into the maze. There seemed to be parts missing though. I mean, We haven't found anything yet. We basically just got into the maze, and my life is flashing before my eyes. It's like my body knows something is going to happen, something bad.

"Minho, somethings wrong."

"What do you mean? Everything seems normal to me."

"No, with me. I keep on getting flashes of my short life, from the moment I arrived here, to now. Like my life is flashing before me. It's not right."

"I think you're just thinking about happier times, Millie. A time when everything was normal. No sightings and we lived side by side, and a maze apart from the Grievers. When we were all happy."

"You're probably right. Thanks, Minho." The problem is it's good and bad memories coming to me. But with Newt it's pretty much only bad memories. In my head at least. For some reason, my heart feels different from my head. In fact, my whole body is telling me that I wasn't really mad at Newt, something I didn't feel in the moment. 

These memories are actually coming back in full detail. There are even pieces that I don't remember coming back to me. Parts of the story where I was nice to him, but why here? Why now? Before I knew it I felt a sting throughout my entire body and I looked at Minho, his eyes were wide and he was nearly in tears. 


"I'm so sorry," Minho said holding the end of his machete towards my head. The last thing I remember is Minho hitting me with it.


All I could feel was pain—worse pain than I was when I spent a night in the Maze running from a Griever. I couldn't hear anyone, but I felt it when they touched me. Then I woke up, but it was like I was in a trans and didn't know how to get out. Then I let consciousness take over, probably not a good idea on my half.

"You shouldn't be here. You shouldn't be here." I said, grabbing Thomas by the shirt. I fought off the people who tried to get me off of him, but there were so many that they overpowered me. What's wrong with me? I felt a sudden relief go through my body as someone injected something into my arm. Then it was lights out.

Just after Millie passed out Gally came to take Thomas to the pit as we planned. I stayed with Millie that night. I was the first to watch over Millie. I couldn't leave her right now anyway. Besides Thomas and Minho are going to look for a way out tomorrow. 

I was worried about so much, but Millie was my top priority no matter what. Nothing could change my mind about that. 

I didn't see the boys off that morning. And I didn't sleep the night before. Honestly, I don't think anyone slept that night. With the girl waking up, and Millie in her condition, everyone was restless. 

What I wasn't expecting when the boys came back was good news. We spent three years looking for a way out, and Thomas found it in his first week. The boy's were all waiting at the Maze doors. Its walls sounded like they were moving, and we could here loud bangs like huge walls falling. "Now, what the hell is going on out there?"

"What the hell you done now, Thomas?" Gally said, more mad than any of us.

"We found something, a new passage. We think it could be a way out." Thomas said, not caring about Gally at this point. 

"Really?" I said, surprised he managed to do what others haven't. 

"It's true. We opened a door, something I've never seen before. I think it must be where the Grievers go during the day." Minho said, out of breath from running.

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