The Hole

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"Teresa, Chuck, you need to get to the hole. We will fight off any Grievers until you're done." I said as I pushed towards the closest Griever, not waiting for a response or to see if they listened to me.

As I neared the only Griever, I realized how screwed we were. But I will do anything to protect the Gladers, to protect my family. I grabbed an arrow from my back and nocked it on the bow. I aimed it at the Griever and released the string. The arrow hit the Griever in its "throat," which caused it to screech and fall over. "Damn, the arrow disappeared," I said to myself. I ran over to the one I presumably killed and looked at the injection spot.

I didn't hit it in the throat. I hit it in the heart. That's what it looks like, at least. I could hardly see the feathers of the arrow. The whole thing was in the Griever. I grabbed above the feathers and pulled it out to find it was still in one piece. "Millie! Millie, watch out!" I heard one of the boys call. I looked back at them and then in front of me. Half a dozen Grievers were coming around the corner. I stood up and heard something even closer. I looked up and saw another dozen Grievers coming from above us.

"Everyone get together!" I yelled as I stood up and sprinted towards the group. At least thirty of us are now standing in a circle covering all directions, ready to fight the Grievers. We knew that we just had to hold them off until Teresa and Chuck were done, but who knows how long that would be. "Newt?" I whispered, knowing he was beside me.

"I'm here. I'll always be here, I promise."

"Don't promise something you have no control of. It gets people's hopes up."

"Well, I'm here right now."

"If I die, you need to know something."

"Don't talk like that."

"Newt, if I die, I need you to remember this, okay?"

"Okay." He sighed.

"I need you to remember that things will be different if we get out of here. But-but-what I'm trying to say is-well-" I paused, having to push a Griever away. "I-shit," I said as I saw a Griever come from nowhere. It grabbed me and started swinging me around. Then I was thrown into the hoard of Grievers coming from around the corners. I carefully held my sword and backed up towards the wall, away from the edges. I lost my bow. I must have dropped it when I was being flung around in the air.

I was trying to think of what to do while I was backing up against the wall, but honestly, I had no clue, there were Grievers coming from every which way. I held my tears back and was about to stand up but realized what was coming towards me. 

Two of the Grievers came out of the pack and started towards me. When my back hit the wall, and I had nowhere else to go, I knew I had to fight. I didn't expect it to end like this. 

I need to tell Newt how I feel. I need to tell him I love him, but I'm not ready for a relationship. If we were still in the Glade and things were how they've always been, and my head hadn't been messed with, I would pursue that possibility. But we aren't, and It appears this may be where I die.

"No, this isn't the end." I finally got up and nearly fell over. I took a deep breath and steadied myself for what was to come. The first Griever reached me and tried to sting me. I jumped out of the way and cut its stinger off. As the thing screeched, I pierced the area its heart would be. I made sure to go deep enough to hit it so it would die. Thankfully with one more screech, the Griever fell over.

Before I could turn around to get the second one, it threw me against the wall. I tried to get up and get away, but it grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the other Grievers just as I started standing. I yelped in pain and winced as I felt the skin on my arm getting pulled off. I screamed when another Griever grabbed onto my torso. "Newt! Thomas! Minho!"

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