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I woke up with a horrible hangover. Memories of last night all blurred together, but I do remember as far as tripping Newt and Gally; after that, I have no clue. Surprisingly even after drinking as much as I did, I woke up before the walls opened. I stayed in my bed trying to remember the events of last night but stopped when I realized something was off, there was an indent in the bed, protruding where I was. But not by too much. Was there someone in my bed last night? Shit, what did I do?

Alby woke up Thomas to carve his name in the wall. I went down to help Frypan in the Kitchen. Even though he has people with him now, I like hanging out with him. So I do, every morning. I don't even do much. I usually make the Runners sandwiches and lay out the food. "Why would you do this to me, Fry?"

"What are you talking about?"

"My head is killing me, and I think someone was in my bed last night. Don't tell me you don't know what I'm talking about."

"The hangover, I'll admit, I could have prevented, but the boy in your bed, that's not on me. That is on whatever you said to that boy last night. But he's a gentleman enough not to have done anything. Don't worry."

"Who? Who was it?"

"You won't believe me, and if you did, well, it's not going to come to that because he told me to make sure you didn't find out. You would be pissed."

"Well, that doesn't help. I'd be pissed if I had anyone of you in my bed."

Later, after the Runners left and breakfast was over, I went to the gardens with Thomas. It is his first duty as a Greenie. Zart and Newt were there too. It just happened to be the job we liked most, so now we have to put up with each other all day. "Have you ever tried going to the top?" He asked Newt.

"Tried it. The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top. And besides, where are you going to go from there?"

"Well, what about the Box? Next time it comes up, you j-"

"No, we tried that. The Box won't go back down with someone in it." Newt interrupted.

"Okay, what if-"

"No, we tried it, alright? Twice, alright? Trust me, anything that you think of, we've tried." I interrupted this time.

"The only way out of here is the Maze." I nodded, agreeing with Newt for the first time in a while. "Now, look, you wanna be helpful? Here, go dig us up some more fertilizer." He finished, throwing a bin at Thomas.

"How is your head?" Newt asked.

"Hurts like a bitch. Why do you care?"

"Just wondering."

"Okay, well how about you get back to work? There's a lot to do."

"I know, Millie. I know there is a lot of work to do. And clearly so do you, so why did you have to go and get yourself drunk to the point you don't remember anything?"

"Well, clearly you know what I was doing. So tell me this, why does it feel like I ran every section of the Maze twice in a day with a sprained knee or something? My leg hasn't hurt like this in a long time."

"Do you really wanna know?"

"Yes, otherwise I wouldn't have asked."

"You climbed up the tower. All the way up."

"And I made it back down?"

"No, you got to the top and cried."

"That doesn't sound right. Was I crying because of the pain?"

"Sort of."

"What do you mean sort of."

"I can't tell you Millie."

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