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I got lightheaded and fell into Newt's arms, and closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. "W-what happened? The last thing I remember, I was walking out here. What were we talking about?" I asked as I stepped away and turned around to look at Newt.

"Y-you mean you don't remember the conversation we just had?" Newt sounded furious when asking. I couldn't imagine why, though. I shook my head, utterly oblivious to what had just happened.

"I'm sorry, but I can't remember anything since I walked out here. On another note, The Box should be up soon, and everyone needs to be up so." I said, walking back to the homestead.

"Where are you going?"

"To get Minho, of course," I said without looking back at Newt. I walked back up to the room and crawled into the bed. Minho was still passed out where I left him. His hair fell in his sleep, so it wasn't in the peak it usually is. I moved a strand from his face and rubbed his cheek.

"Well, I didn't think that's how I would wake up this morning." He said with a groggy voice.

"Do you not like it. I can stop if you want." I said, taking my hand away.

"No." He said, grabbing my hand. "I didn't tell you to stop." That was oddly...oddly aggressive. Minho's not generally like that. I brushed it aside and put my hand back on his cheek. Minho grabbed my leg and pulled me over him, so I was straddling him. "What's with the sudden change?"

"I could ask the same." Minho was starring at me.

"You're beautiful." He said, changing the subject. I smiled, which caused Minho to look at my lips, and in return, caused me to look at his. The closer we got, the more challenging it was to remember that he was so aggressive with me moments ago. Minho put his hands on my waist and slowly made his way down. The closer they got to my butt, and the closer our mouths got, the more I realized this wasn't what I wanted, but for some reason, I couldn't pull myself away from the situation.

I closed my eyes and got ready for something I didn't want to do. Then there was a loud bang, Like something fell, or someone. "Dammit, Zart, how many times do I gotta tell you not to wake me?!" Alby yelled from his room.

Minho and I looked at each other and back at the door. "To be continued." He said with a wink. I gave him a small smile and got off of his lap. I did a light jog to Alby's room, where I found him chasing Zart.

"Alby!" I yelled, but he continued chasing Zart around the room. "For the love of-stupid Slinthead. Why would you wake him? Especially after the last time?"

" I don't know! I didn't think he would get-"

"Get this mad? After he chased you with a knife last time? Zart, common man. You should know better by now." I walked into the middle of the chaos and grabbed Alby and Zarts' ears just as Alby got ahold of him.

"Ow, ow, ow. That's bull shit."

"Yeah, no fair. Why does it hurt so much when you do it?"

"Maybe because I know what I'm doing. Leave the poor kid alone, Alby."

"Hey! I'm fifteen, I think,"

I shook my head as Alby rolled his eyes. "Go get something to eat both of you. Fry should be done by now." I looked at the boys and let their ears go. "You play nice," I said to Alby as he walked away from me with a grump look. He only grunted in return.

I walked back into the room and found a shirtless Minho. He was pulling his shirt on when I walked in. "The box should be up soon. Everyone slept in today. It's almost lunch." I said, holding out my hand for him to grab. It felt wrong, but the doubts floated to the back of my head. Minho grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the room and down the stairs where everyone else was.

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