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As I walked toward the Maze, I remembered something. But it only seemed like part of a memory. I remember telling Newt something was wrong right before I woke up Minho after falling into Newts arms.

But why would I tell Newt something is wrong? Nothing is wrong that I know of. Besides, my head hurts every time I think about that missing part of my memory. I shook the thoughts out of my head as I began a light jog towards the Maze doors. 

I didn't get far, though. Newt managed to catch up to me, grabbed my arm, and spun me towards him. "You called a meeting Millie, what do you want me to tell everyone?" Dammit, I forgot about that.

"Nothing, I'll clear my head after the meeting. It's something I've had on my mind for a while. Something I should have suggested months ago. But now that I've got most of the answers to the questions everyone is sure to have, I feel confident most of you will agree with me. They should be done taking everything out by now." I finished. I was pushing to say one more-"The Box isn't going to go down!" I yelled, feeling a sudden relief in my body.

"What do you mean it's not going down?"

Now that I've told him, my mouth is letting me talk about it. "I've been trying to say that since Minho suggested it. For some reason, the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. Instead, I said it was a good idea. I remembered something too, but it can wait. Let's let the kid out of there." I said, walking away. Not sure if I'll tell him that I remember something was wrong. 

Newt mumbled something but walked beside me. "Also, how did you catch up to me so fast? I was speed walking than jogging to the doors."

"Millie, you stopped and stood in one spot for at least a minute before you started walking again. It wasn't hard to catch up, even after."

"I-huh. Well, it looks like they are just taking the last of the stuff out of the Box." I said, nodding at Minho pulling a pig from the Box. The livestock is always the last thing to come out. "Minho! Let the boy out." I said as we got closer.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because it w-w-it w-"

"It what?"

"I w-w-why can't I say it now?" Thankfully Newt spoke for me.

"It won't go down with someone in it."

"Get the kid out and let Alby take him on tour. He knows what the gathering is for anyway." I walked towards the Homestead with some of the other boys. Most of them went after they were done helping with the Box. I sat on the chair in the middle of the other chairs. But not in the centre of the room.

"I suspect you are all wondering what this is about. And now that everyone is here, we can get to that." I said as Minho walked in. "I've been thinking and going over something for a few months now, and I think it will help the Glade." I looked around the room, making sure everyone was paying attention. When I knew they were, I continued.

"First, Alby and I had a realization. Jobs. Everyone needs to pull their weight around here for things to run relatively smoothly. There is already one group, the Runners, but now you stick to one job. That means if you are a Slopper, you do not work with the Builders, but that isn't the big announcement today, considering you all pretty much do that anyway. I'm assigning leaders to every job position. This me-"


"This is absolute klunk!"

"Things are fine the way they are!" There were more comments, but I wasn't listening to them.

"Enough!" I said over everyone, and they all stopped immediately. "I'm going to assign keepers now. For the Runners-Newt," I paused, knowing very well he was the right choice whether Minho felt that way or not. "Builders-Gally, Gardeners-Zart, Slicers-Winston, and Frypan is the Keeper of the Cooks because unless I can help it, just him in the kitchen for now. Everyone that isn't on any of those jobs will report to me each morning to figure out where you are for the day until we figure out which is best for you. And we will do that with Greenies too. There will not be a keeper for the...Sloppers because it isn't necessary. Got it? Good. Another thing."

"Great." Someone commented.

"There are going to be a couple of additions to the Glade. You will see when you see. I  will put Greenies with a different Keeper each day. After a week, I will gather with the Keepers to decide where they should be placed. And the last thing for today is no Slopper of any kind goes with the runners. Nothing new there. The only way for a Greenie to become a runner is to earn it. Newt and I will watch for the possible Runners throughout their daily work. But they have to be very promising." I looked around. "That's all. You're dismissed. Get to work. There is a lot to do." Everyone filed out except Minho.

"Newt is the Keeper? You told me you were picking the best Runner. Newt can't even run anymore."

"Newt was still the better option until he decides he doesn't want to be a Runner anymore. He will be the Keeper."

"I get it. You didn't pick me because you don't want them to think you are picking favourites. But screw them. There is still time to change it."

"Minho, you're not my first choice." Minho lashed out. He grabbed my hair and pulled me close to him.

"Do I not mean anything to you? Newt must be your first choice for everything. You're probably trying to end things with me to be with him, aren't you? Well to ba-"

"Minho!" I said, pushing him away from me and getting his hand out of my hair. "He is a better Runner than you even though he can't run. He has been running longer than any of you. And as for us, we have been together for barely an hour, and you don't control me. So why the hell are you acting like this?"

"Like what? What am I doing now?"

"Controlling. You're being controlling. You've always been controlling. You try to make me sleep with you and have been since you got here. And you hurt me. I don't know why I acted the way I did this morning. I also don't know why my brain was telling me I liked you because you're an ass."

"Are you trying to break up with me?"

"Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable. Get your shit out of your room. You're sleeping outside with everyone else."

"Seriously, you're kicking me out?"

"The Homestead is now meant only for Keepers and leaders, meaning Alby and me. At least now I don't need to share a room with anyone."

"I can't believe this!"

"I can't believe you! I have never met someone so stuck up and self-centred. Not only that, but you're abusive. I-I-I'm leaving." I turned to the right to walk out of the Homestead and was surprised to see Newt standing there, not knowing what to do. I only looked at him for a second before focusing on the door, my eyes welling with tears. "I gotta get us the fuck outta here," I said as I was halfway through the door. I knew Newt heard me. I also knew he was the only one who knew where I was going. Somewhere no one has gone since I went to get George's body. The Maze.

I began a light jog towards the Maze, knowing the only one that would even think about following me was Newt. And he probably will. I couldn't help but think about his face, and I turned around to find him standing at the door. He seemed dumbfounded. Like he couldn't believe he just stood there and watched. But he was probably in shock.

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