I love you

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I turned around and fell to my knees, tears falling from my face. I just watched Millie watching me and only me as she was getting dragged away. I shouldn't have listened to her. I should have run back. I should have saved her or at least tried to. 

I watched her as the doors closed. Only one tear fell from her eye. The look of realization showed precisely why she let a tear fall. Millie knew she was going to die as the doors closed. Before all the boys ran up to me, the last thing I heard was an agonizing, heart-wrenching, and breaking scream. A scream that lasted longer than expected but got suddenly cut off.

When the boys got to me, I was hunched over on my knees, hiding my tears. There was another scream from the Maze. This time it was a name, just like George had. "Newt!" Millie screamed. But she knew she wouldn't get help, so she didn't ask for it. "Lead! I believe in y-AAAAH!" She yelled, letting out one last agonizing scream.

Everyone stayed around the door waiting for Millie for the rest of the night. After the second scream, there was nothing. But nobody wanted to believe she was dead. She couldn't be dead.

When the walls started to open, I was the first one to stand up. "Guys." I paused. "She's not there," I said, holding tears back. Everyone started to leave, but I heard an odd thumping sound just as I turned.

I looked back to see Millie limping towards the Glade, blood trailing behind her. She was holding her arm up to her chest. It seemed like the Griever ripped it to shreds, but it was still in place. "Millie?" I said under my breath, but none of the other boys heard me.

"Holy shit," Gally said as I limped over to her, my leg being in more pain than it has in a while. I knew Millie was in more pain than me, so I didn't show it. The physical or emotional. When I got to her, she looked horrified, but for some reason, I don't think it was because of the Griever.

Newt caught me just before I fell. I couldn't hold my weight. "Newt." I gasped, I need to tell him this, but I don't know if I'll have the strength to get it all out. "Something is wrong. I remember everything. I know I won't remember for long. But you, for some reason they can't control you."


"WICKED, they watch everything. They see everything we do and say—they monitor us constantly. There are chips in our necks that make us forget and do and say things we don't mean to do or say. Newt, you are the only person they can't control. That's why I'm telling you. I meant everything I said Newt, whether I will remember any of this, I'm not sure, but you will."

"You think the chips in our necks will make you forget, but what makes you think they are there?"

"I remember them putting it in. I remember how painful it was. Newt, the only reason you don't remember this is because the chip doesn't work on you, but serums do. There is more, so much more but I don't have time to tell you. We-" My head started pounding. Every memory I had that was supposed to be erased was fading again. "It's happening, I won't believe you if you tell me any of this, but you need to get this thing out of my neck," I said, starting to lose consciousness. "Fast," I muttered right before passing out.

I woke up with pain coursing through my body. My head hurt so much that I could hardly think. "Millie?" Newt asked. His accent was probably the only reason I knew it was him. "Millie, do you remember anything? I tried to get it out, but it was stuck. I'm sorry."

"Tried to get what out?"

"So you were right."

"Right about what, Newt?" I said, still groggy.

"You don't remember anything, do you?"

"What are you talking about? I remember everything. I remember telling you to leave me and nearly getting my arm and leg torn off. I remember somehow managing to survive the Griever, and I remember falling into your arms and looking into your teary eyes as everything went black. The only thing I don't remember is why I feel a pain in the back of my neck. A pain that seems strangely familiar, but I don't know why."

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