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I got to the Maze doors knowing exactly how much time I had until I had to get back, two hours, five minutes. That's how long I can run for, but I wish I had more time. I need to find a way out.

Today section 3 is open. No one gets far in section 3. It seems to be the trickest to figure out, but thankfully I always have a notepad and pencil on hand to map where I go. Then put it on the big map. I finally started running. Faster than I have in a while.

Some of the boys are going crazy. I'm worried a couple won't last. They're not all strong like Alby and Newt. George was strong. He wasn't too social and kept to himself often, but wow, was that kid strong.

I managed to get further than anyone pretty quickly. There are so many dead ends that I'm scared I'll get lost. I've never been worried about that before, not since I trained Newt, at least. 

I stopped for a second to map my last couple of turns but quickly realized it was a bad idea to stop. I heard some ivy move and grabbed my sword. I knew it would have been better to run, but there is no point now. 

Just as something turned the corner, I whipped my sword to the right, just stopping in time to miss. The blade was no more than a centimetre away from Newt's face. "You dumb ass. You almost got yourself killed. Unless that was your plan?"

"Why would you think I was trying to get killed?"

"Newt, you haven't run since the accident, not until the most recent accident. I'm worried about you, Newt, more than you will ever know. More than I'll ever know, for that matter. God, I remember it like it was yesterday."

"Newt! Newt?" I said, running around the Glade like a chicken with its head cut off. "George, have you seen Newt?" I asked, stopping at the Homestead.

"Yeah, he left to go for a run shortly after the doors opened."

"But the Box came up today. Why would he leave instead of helping? George, did he tell you he was going out?"

"Nope, he just left."

"Did he have a sack with him?"

"I wasn't paying much attention, but he didn't come by here, so I don't think so. Why?"

"Just curious. I feel like something is wrong. If I'm not back within ten minutes of the doors closing-lets, forget I even started that sentence. I'll see you soon." I said, grabbing his canteen. Thankfully it was almost full. Then I ran like hell. 

Newt hit a rough point not long ago, and even though he is my best friend, he doesn't talk about his feeling to anyone. Neither do I, but I make it clear when I have a problem. Newt stays silent, which tells me all I need to know.

The further I ran, the more scared I got. Something is defiantly wrong. I just don't know what. Then I heard something. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I hope you understand when you find me. I had no other choice." I looked around but saw nothing. Newt sounded close yet distant. I turned a corner and saw a figure near the top of the ivy. When I looked up, I saw Newt just as he jumped.

"NO!" I screamed as I ran closer to where he would fall, still watching him as he got caught in the ivy, lessening his life-taking fall. Instead of falling thirty-some-feet, he lost about fifteen feet after getting caught in the ivy. "No, Newt, common," I said as I knelt, searching for a pulse. I stopped looking for one almost immediately when he let out a heartbreaking scream. Then, he passed out. He looked like he would have been peaceful if not for the matter at hand.

I checked his body for significant injuries and was surprised to find one. He broke his leg, completely bent the opposite way. The fact that he could run yesterday and today is beyond me. I managed to get a good enough grip on him so I could bring him back to the Glade. 

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