Part 2

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"Don't jump," the voice stated. 


"I said don't jump. Get down off the railing right now" he stated. 

It was a male voice. 

"Who the fuck are you man?" I yelled 

My emotions were getting the best of me. 

"I know you and you don't need to know me. But that's not important right now. Get down y/n" he replied. 

"Why the hell do you care?" I asked. 

He's getting on my nerves now. 

"Can't you understand what you're gonna do now? Did you even consider what your parents would feel if you die now?" He yelled. 

"Look mister, you don't know what I go through every day" 

"I know. I know what you go through" his voice was getting lower and cracking up. 

"Even if you know, that's just because you see. Seeing and feeling what I go through every day is different" I shouted.

The other side was silent. He didn't talk for a while. I was about to hang up but then I heard...his sniffles. 

"Please don't do anything. I know what you go through and I can understand the pain but that doesn't mean you'll end your life" he cried. 

"A-are you crying?" I asked. 

"Please y/n. Your parents love you a lot. At least think about them. They would be some persons who'd cry their lives for losing you" he kept saying things which I didn't think about. 

"I'm nothing but a burden, mister" I replied. 

"No, you are not. You are a blessing to your parents. You're perfect and you don't know about it" he replied.

I didn't say anything further. I was unable to form any words.
Who the hell is he anyway?

"I beg you to not jump. Let's get through this together. Whatever hardship you're facing right now, I'll walk with you and cross this together, hmm?" He was pleading now. 

Even if so, I didn't reply. I was hearing his silent cries and sniffles.
Does he care about me? 

"Stop crying, I'm not worth your tears"  I stated. 

"Just shut up okay? You're worth anything in this world. Don't lose hope, please" he yelled again. 

"How can you walk with me, how can I trust you?" I asked. 

"I'll talk with you like this every day, even if we don't meet, I'll be with you" he replied. 

"Stop crying, first of all, I hate seeing people cry," I said. 

"Get down the railing and I'll stop. Put on your shoes, your mom will be here anytime soon" he said.

Did he inform my mom?
I got down the railing and put on my shoes. Just when I stood up after tying my shoes, a car stopped in front of me and my mom got down.
She was so devastated, her eyes were red and she was looking weak. 

"Honey, please, let's go home" she called for me. 

I didn't reply further. I looked at my mobile to see the call had already ended. I got into the car and the driver drove away from the bridge.
Will he really help me?
Can I get through this?

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