Part 4

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Jimin POV:

Ahh this idiot...

I had always warned him to stop bullying y/n but he didn't listen to me. And now, he's stuck with his father. Tae didn't even eat anything last night. He abandoned himself, and I didn't even know where he was last night. A lot happened yesterday and I was hella worried about him.

And now, I'm waiting here outside of the principal's cabin for him to come out and join me. I can't let him be alone. Even if the mistake is his, I still have to be by his side cause ain't we friends?

I heard someone calling me so I walked towards that direction in the corridor. But when I searched, I saw no one. I turned around and started walking back to the cabin area but I saw someone standing outside the principal's cabin.

Isn't that y/n?

I saw her crying out and got hella panicked.

Did Tae do anything to her?

No way, Abeonim is inside too.

I ran to her when she's about to fall. Thank God I held her just in time.

"Y/n, hey" I patted her cheek.

"Jimin..?" She mumbled but that was last before she closed her eyes.

She passed out in my hands.

Tae came out of the cabin too

"Oh my God" he was shocked.

"Come on, let's take her to the infirmary," I said.

I held her in my hands, bridal style and we both rushed to get her aid.


Your POV:

I was hearing someone talking but I was too tired to open my eyes and see them. I was trying my best to open them.

Oh my God, she isn't waking up, should we take her to the hospital?"

Calm down your ass. Give her some time.

But two hours passed already.

The shining light made my eyes squint but nevertheless, I saw the people who were blabbering. The first one I saw was Jimin, who looked at me with his angelic smile and next to him was.... Taehyung.

I sat up and looked at them, back and forth.

"How are you feeling now?" Jimin asked me.

"F-fine" I was barely holding in cause my bully was beside him.

Will he harm me now?

I kept giving my ghostly looks at Taehyung until he noticed and gave a small smile.

"I won't do anything to you y/n" he smiled.

"P-please, can you leave?" I asked him.

I didn't know why I was feeling so scared seeing him. Back there in the office, I was so confident and strong. Maybe because I was assured that his father was beside him to protect me but now, I don't know what Taehyung might do. Jimin never stopped him when he was bullying me.

"Y/n?" Taehyung was bewildered.

"Jimin, can you please ask him to leave?" I looked at Jimin.

Taehyung would never oppose Jimin's words and vice versa. Jimin didn't say anything but Taehyung understood it well. He stood up and left after looking at me one last time.

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