Part 12

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As Jimin left, Tae stood up from the bed and walked to my side. He held both my shoulders and looked at me.

"So Ms.Lee, where should we begin?" Tae smirked.

"Tae, stop it.... You look like a perv" I giggled.

"What? You like it when Jimin does and why not me?" He pouted.

"Trust me Tae, you look like a real pervert" I laughed as he threw a pillow at me.

We both got up and left my flat after I picked up all the things necessary for the party. We got down through the lift to Jimin's flat and entered cause we three knew our house's passcodes.

"Okay so I'll start baking while you first clean this mess," I said showing the house.

Jimin barely comes to his house so it's dusty and untidy.

Taehyung sighed before he picked up the cleaning things as if he was entering a war.

I turned around to start the cake. The kitchen was clean as he never ate here. I started making the cake dough and added the flavor before I allowed it to bake.

In the meanwhile, Taehyung completed cleaning and took a seat on the couch.

"You okay bruh?" I asked as I sat beside him.

"I didn't know Jimin's house would be like shit" he replied.

I smacked his arm before laughing out loud.

"Y/n ah" he called me.

"Yes," I looked at Tae who was giving this intense stare to me.

"Are you happy?" He asked me.

I frowned looking at him. He never asked me such things after we became friends.

"Why do you ask that?" I questioned Tae.

"It's just, you went through a lot. I just wanted to confirm if you are happy and you don't have any negative feelings" he replied.

I smiled before I hugged him from the side.

"I am so happy Tae. All thanks to you. Jimin and you are there for me right?"

"Yes we are here for you" he returned the hug.

We stayed like that for a while as Tae was tired and I took a small break from cooking.

After 10 minutes, I got up from the couch and left to cook the remaining food for us. Jimin loves home food and he always says that I cook so well and hence I decided to cook his favorites. Tae is very poor at kitchen things so he went with the decoration.

The decoration isn't much. Just some balloons and things around the hall. We already brought drinks and wine so that'd be enough for the night.

Even though Jimin will have dinner with his friends, we can still eat food after 12 as we three tend to have midnight snacks often.

I cooked more snacks than heavy food cause that'd be preferable at night times. I made rolls, a pizza, and three burgers, some chips were also there which we brought from the Mart, tacos and nachos, with cheese dips which I made, french fries which I tried for the first time and succeeded and many more.

"Tae, can you feed my babies?" I asked Tae, referring to my puppies.

"Yes I will but please stop calling them your babies, it looks as if you have kids" he rolled his eyes.

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