Part 6

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Why did he kiss me?

Does he like me?

First of all, do I like him?

As my savior, he saved my life, he taught me how to overcome everything, step by step, and was with me all this time. I didn't even see any difference between Jimin and my savior cause Jimin acted the same in the school, all protective, sweet and caring.

But do I like Jimin or my savior?

Even if they both are the same, the characters in my life felt different. There's something in the savior which didn't match with the Park Jimin I know.

Why does he act differently when he talks to me as savior?

Many questions ran into my mind making me restless and confused and whatnot. I struggled to get some sleep.

But one thing kept bugging me, the kiss. The way his lips moved against mine, his soft pink, plump lips

Shit y/n, you pervert, stop thinking about those lips

I covered my whole body with the sheets, up to my head and closed my eyes to get some sleep, which happened successfully.


I was walking towards the canteen, minding my own business. Jimin left with his other friends today, leaving me alone for lunch. But I didn't care because the distance gave me some time to think about our relationship and what he did yesterday.

I ate very little and made my way to the ground. I like walking around in circles when thinking about something. It kinda gives me solutions as well as a slight exercise to my body.

I was walking around when someone suddenly started dragging me by my hand....I didn't get to see the face but I already guessed who it is

Kim Taehyung

Why is he dragging me? To where?

Will he start bullying me again?

Various thoughts rushed through my mind. I was starting to get scared but he made me sit on the nearest bench.

He knelt with one leg, and started tying my untied shoe.

This is why he dragged me?

He tied the knot and stood up.

"You might fall if you keep walking like that," he said.

I stood up and walked past him. But he didn't stop, he started following me. I didn't care much cause that'd only give me creeps.

See that slut, she even snatched Taehyung

Does she have any shame, how can she fuck her bully?

She even trapped our Jiminie

Poor babies are suffering due to this witch.

Fat slut, bewitching men to sleep with her fat ass.

I heard girls talking about me in a very bad way.

I didn't even do anything

I was the one who got bullied and now everyone thinks bad about me?

I stopped in my tracks, hearing them all. Tears rolled down my eyes and I tried my best to stop the flooding emotions within me, balling my fists as I stood still.

"And what are you? A bitch who is trying to get laid by me or Jimin?" I heard Taehyung say.

I turned back and saw Taehyung talking to the girls who talked about me.

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