Part 3

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"Believe me. I want to be your savior" he giggled. 

"Savior...that's one nice name to call you" I replied. 

"Cool, and I'll call you...umm" He stopped talking

He must be thinking. 

"Call me by my name," I said. 

"Alright, I'll get you a name for me later" he said. 

Too flirty. 

"Won't you show yourself to me?" I asked. 

"I will...when the right time comes," he replied. 

"Maybe you're also hesitating to befriend me in real life" I mumbled. 

"Y/n ah.." he called, his voice stern. 


"I'm your friend in real life too. I already promised myself to protect you and I'll abide by my words. It's just I want our meeting to be special and I don't want to affect you with my presence" he tried to reason. 

"Your presence wouldn't affect me. If anything, it's the other way around" I chuckled bitterly.

I know how my presence would bring nothing but sadness and shame around me. And that's the reason why I even stopped talking to my friends outside school.

"I told you to not think low about yourself" his voice deepened. 

"But that is what I am, savior" I replied. 

"NO, YOU ARE NOT" he yelled. 

I kept my side after flinching for his voice. After some time, I took the mobile near to my ear again. 

"I-I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" he said. 

"I was scared that you'd hit me but then I got the sense that we were in a call" I replied. 

"I will not hit you," he said. 

"Who knows? I faced enough to trust people" I replied. 

"You are the most beautiful person outside and inside. I hope you remember that and you can trust me. Try to get some sleep" he said before he cut the call.

He is blabbering some shit and I knew that. I lost total hope in my life and love for myself.
Would I ever get that back? 

I tried to get some sleep but some noise was heard. I made my way to the room door and listened to someone talking. 


Eomma - "This is all our fault. Only if we were close to her.." 

Appa - yes it is in fact your fault. All you care about is work. 

Eomma - Are you any less? You think about how to make money. But now, what's the use of all that if our daughter isn't happy? 

Appa - As a mother, it is your responsibility to keep an eye on her. Did you ever attend her parent-teacher meet? 

Eomma - Why should I attend when she's the topper and I got updates from the principal? 

Appa - Did he ever update you about our daughter getting bullied. Fuvk, he himself found out today. This is why you're at fault for not taking care of our daughter.

Eomma - No I'm not. I am also working hard for her. Don't take the whole credit mister.

I ran down the stairs and stood in front of them. They were shocked to see me. They must've understood that I heard everything. 

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