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I KNOW ITS NOT LEGAL BUT DAMN IT WAS SO HOT WHEN I VISIONED IT, (I vision a lot of awful things dw)


George's pov

...another day at school, I'm so glad I have English though.. English is my favourite class, only because Mr Taken is the teacher.

He caught me staring a lot of times, I end up embarrassing myself in all of those moments. It's so... amazing though, it tells me that he actually looks at me.. and acknowledges me!

English... okay.. I can do this, just don't get distracted and do your work. George thought, he closed his eyes and heard the bell, meaning the teachers would be coming into the classrooms now.

"Hey man!" I got nudged on my arm, "what do you want?" I whisper-yelled, "I need a pencil, do you have a spare?" He said, "I might.." I sighed and got on my knees on my chair, bending over to search my bag.

That's when Mr Taken entered the class... "George Davidson, sit down properly!" He said, "I'm looking for a pencil, for Alex..." I explained, "I don't care, sit down." I rolled my eyes and continued looking.

Mr Taken didn't look at me he just went over to the front of the class, "George Davidson, sit down, I don't want to say it again." Unfortunately I had a skirt on, Alex looked over at me and whistled, "damn you looking fine~" I giggled and sat down properly, "sorry I couldn't find one... maybe someone else has one or you could ask Mr Taken for one."

Alex nodded and paid attention to the teacher.

I looked at Mr Taken, my mind thought of... awful things again.. my eyes moved down to his lips, his hands are so veiny and.. so much bigger than mine, it would be so.. "hot.."

I saw everyone look at me, including Mr Taken... "what?" I said, "dude... you said the word, 'hot' out of nowhere." Alex laughed and I felt my face heat up, "George come and sit here please." I hadn't even noticed he had sat down by his desk.. I got too distracted to notice.

I sighed and put my hands in my pocket, "George, come here." he said, I walked over and stood beside him. He looked up at me as I looked down at him, "George, you've been getting distracted an awful lot during my classes, what's going on?" He held my hand, "I... I can't say with everyone here.. I can't risk someone else hearing." I whispered.

"I think I know what's going on..." he whispered, my face was heating up again, "you... do?" I said, "mhm.. you have a little crush, don't you? You can tell me who it is." He whispered, he smiled and I knew I couldn't tell him..

"I'm gonna need you to stay here after class as well." He looked at the clock and the bell rang. "Please... I- I can't stay in here.." I muttered, "yes you can, I need to talk to you about some things."

He looked at the others, "you're dismissed!" He said with an innocent smile. "YES!!" Alex said, Mr Taken rolled his eyes and focused back on me, "come here." He patted his lap, everyone had left the classroom so it was just me and him, I had no problem with doing that, since no one was around anymore.

I sat on his lap and giggled, "I know who your crush is Georgie.. it's obvious, the way you look at me.. you blurt out words randomly when you're deep in thought, no one wants to disturb you when you are though... I know you have a little thing for me." I smirked, "who wouldn't have feelings for you, you're perfect, so..." I caught myself again, trying not to go too far.

"Come on.. tell me more about what you think about me." He said, "uhm.. are you single by any chance? I don't wanna cross over anything..." he put his hands up my hoodie and shirt, "I'm single sadly." He admitted, "well people obviously don't have any taste if you're single."

He chuckled, "how sweet of you... could you lock the door please?" I nodded and skipped towards the door, my skirt lifting up every time I jumped, I did that purposely so I could tease him.

I locked the door and skipped happily back over to him and placed myself on his thigh. I admired his features, his beautiful eyes.. perfect lips, his sprawled out freckles, he was so.. so dreamy, everything I could of ever asked for.

He started to bounce his leg, a tightness in my pants started growing even tighter, I whined and grabbed onto him, "shh... quiet down.." he smiled and typed something, I looked at his laptop, 'pornhub.com' "Dream!" He looked at me, "calling me by name now?" He said and faced back towards the screen.

"What about... this one?" He hovered his mouse over the title, "eh.. nope." He looker at me, "why?" I giggled, "there's no point for me to watch that one.. I'm fucking colourblind." He stared at me, "wait what?! Also you can't use that language." He said, "I'm 18 dumbass, I can say that, I'm not a kid. Also yeah, I'm colourblind, I thought you got told about it?" George said.

"No I didn't.. I'm so sorry I didn't know that." I smiled, "it's alright." He put his hands on my thighs, gently squeezing them. "Can I.. take it off?" He pulled slightly on my underwear, "yeah.." I smiled and got off his thigh to make it easier for him.

He reached down and took off my underwear and put it on the desk, "okay... how are we going to do this?" I rolled my eyes, "the door is locked idiot." He sighed, "no, I mean the windows." I thought for a moment.

Third person pov
"Fuck the damn windows, I need you so badly..." with one swift motion, he moved his pants and boxers down. "Fuck... you're big.. will it fit?" George asked, "I would think so, darling.. lets try at least." He smiled and lined himself up with George's hole.

"Good boy..." he held George's waist tightly, slowly lowering him onto his dick. George let out a sluttish moan, "h-holy fu..." Dream groaned, "fuck..." George whined and held onto his shoulders. "Don't worry darling, it'll be alright, you ready?" He nodded.

He went in deeper and noticed a slight bulge, "fuck... you alright?" He looked up at George, "mhm.." Dream leaned in and kissed him, "you don't know how much I've been wanting this..." George bounced up and down on his dick, letting out another sluttish moan.

"Shh.. we don't want people to hear." George kept bouncing and at this point couldn't control his moans, he was becoming slower with his bounces as George was getting close to his climax.

He held onto George's waist and stopped him before thrusting into him fast and hard, Dream placed him on the desk and thrusted even harder. "Shit! Drea-" George came onto his stomach, "good boy... I'm getting close.. in or out?"

"In!!" George cried and with his response he came deep inside of George, "holy fuck..." he slipped out of George and saw cum drip out of his hole.

"We need to get you cleaned up, asap." George nodded and stood up, holding Dream's hands tightly. "Can you walk?" He asked, "mhm..." He nodded.

"Are you sure?" He sat down on his chair and placed George on his lap, getting some wipes out of a drawer. "Thank you, you just... made my wish come true."

"I'm glad I could make you happy." They both smiled and kissed, Dream took a wipe out and began cleaning George.

They finished cleaning up and put their clothes back on, George kissed him again. "Off you go, darling... don't tell anyone about this okay?" George nodded and grabbed his bag, unlocked the door...

"U-um..." George sighed, "actually.." he walked back over to Dream, "what's up?" He said, "can I.. get your number maybe?" He nodded and wrote his number on a note, and gave it to George, "text me later." He winked and George hugged him. "Thank you..." he smiled and walked out of the classroom.
He waved and closed the classroom door, walking out the building.


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