Chapter 7

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"I still don't think this is a good idea."

"I heard you the ten times."

"I don't care if your the best super-secret agent but this is going way too fast and way too far."

Natasha shot him a reassuring glance. "I know what I'm doing. It's going to be fine."

Steve could only sigh in response before heading to the cargo area with Natasha and Peggy.

It took her a while to finally convince Steve to let her come with him. He didn't say that her being a woman was one excuse because he was a very polite person. But Natasha knew he was thinking that. He settled on the excuse of it being too dangerous for her.

She assured him that she knew what kind of fight was waiting for them at the other side, and thus, had to remind him again that she could take down a dude's ass in less than thirty seconds.

He still didn't warm up to the idea but she wasn't taking no for an answer, and so, he grudgingly agreed.

"The HYDRA camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind." Peggy explained, showing them a map.

Peggy wasn't very fond of this plan as well.

Once she overheard her talking to Howard asking about giving them a ride to the HYDRA base, she also got the benefit of telling them they must have gone completely insane to do this.

Insane was just one word, to sum up, Natasha's everyday life.

"We should be able to drop you two right on the doorstep," Howard told them.

"Just get us as close as you can," Steve said. "Are you sure you want to do this?" Steve asked. Natasha looked at Steve. "The serum made you have the force of a two-hundred-pound man behind a fist a hundredth of an inch wide, you're like a bullet. You punch too hard, you kill someone, too soft, it's a love tap. In other words, you have to know how to punch." She explained.

Steve scoffed, but not in a rude way. "I have been in fights even since I can remember. I think I know how to punch."

"Show me," Natasha said and held up her hands. Steve paused and looked at Peggy. She nodded. Steve cleared his throat and punched Natasha's hand. "Terrible." She remarked.

"You want to show me how to punch?" Steve put up his hand like hers. "Show me..." Suddenly Natasha punched him in the face knocking him back. He stumbled and fell to the ground. "That's how you punch."

"Enough!" Peggy yelled. "Nat, I think you've proven your point. Now can we please go back to what's important?"

"You know, you two are gonna be in a lot of trouble when you land," Steve commented.

"And you two won't?" Peggy snapped.

"We can handle this," Natasha assured.

"I'm still worried about you, Nat, wouldn't prefer to come back with us to the base?" She asked.

"I second that notion," Howard agreed from the pilot's seat.

No. She wasn't going to let this chance slip away from her fingers.

She needed to make sure that Steve was going to get back. Alive. In one piece.

And still, there was something about the way Peggy looked at her, and the way her voice sounded when she asked her. She might be overthinking things and it was ridiculous to think about, but she detected a mair amount of sharpness at her sister's words.

Sure, maybe had meant to come off as a concern, but still, there was something more. Like she was trying to hold her back from coming with Steve.

But maybe, it's just her recently messed up mind making up things.

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