Chapter 8

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Just like she promised, she followed Steve's orders without any protest.

Once had gotten inside, she stuck to plan and waited for him. Luckily Steve got through without a scratch.

They heard a loud whirring sound coming towards the factory they were trying to get into. The spy spotted a few stops behind, and the last one, only having a black curtain as a cover, she figured would be the easiest to get into.

She nudged him. "What?"

"The truck. It leads to the factory." She explained.

He followed her gaze and took the shield from his back. Without uttering a word, he motioned for her to follow. "Okay, I don't know how many are in there but once we do get in stay close-"

"I know what to do, Cap. I'm not stupid." She interjected. "I've got like five guns strapped onto me, I think that should be enough. Come on let's get moving."

He took the lead, and with a good running start, immediately jumped inside the truck. He was about to offer a hand to Natasha when he noticed that she was already inside. Although, somehow and in a mucked up way, her foot clumsily slipped.

Steve on instinct, caught her hand and pulled her in, which made the both of them roll inside. They came face to face with two HYDRA men.

"Fellas," Steve greeted.

The two men hesitated for a moment before suddenly springing into action. They tried to knock the both of them down, only for it to be the other way around. Steve went for the once on the left, knocking him a few good times around the truck before throwing him outside.

He whipped around to see Natasha standing over a lifeless body and eyed the untouched pistol on her belt. "You killed him?"

"Of course, not. Just knocked him out cold. I didn't even touch my gun. Told you I could take care of myself." She finished with a smirk.

Steve looked impressed and mortified at the same time.

They went to sit down across from each other, waiting to be brought inside.

When they felt the truck stop to a halt, as well as the voices that belonged to HYDRA men. Steve got up and crouched down. Holding his shield in front of him, Natasha followed his lead and got behind him.

The curtain soon opened and Steve slammed his shield straight into the man's face. The two jumped out of the truck and ran as fast as they could. When they saw a huge amount of HYDRA men on guard, she pulled him back to the side. "We can't go that way. we're outnumbered." She looked around and spotted a few tanks and soldiers as well but in a fewer number.


"Follow me."

And he did.

"It's easier to go inside with that side of the building, but we need to stay low, there may be a few guards out here but we could easily be seen with lights."

After she got them inside, they stopped to catch their breath.

Her gaze was looking out on one of the windows. "Okay, so now what?" As soon as she turned back around, she was startled when his face was almost touching hers. Her voice quickly died down in her throat.

Good thing he seemed clueless about it.

"We need to get on the roof." He instructed. "Just stay-"

"-Stay close, I know."

His eyes flashed with concern and a small smile brushed on his lips. "Sorry. I know you're a top spy and all, but hey you never know right?"

"Whatever you say, Steve."

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