Chapter 9

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Luck, fortunately, was at their side for them to make it out of the factory alive.

The second they got out, slight chaos was what greeted them. Lifeless bodies sprayed across the blood-stained ground. Tanks were running over them. Men were running around and shooting guns at one another. Some of their soldiers even got a hand of one of HYDRA'S weapons.

Steve gained their attention by ordering the other men to follow him. They miraculously made it to the open gates without so much bloodshed involved. Some of the HYDRA soldiers even retreated when they found out their own leader had deserted them.

They fled the area. Running away from HYDRA.

They stopped to rest and catch their breath. The men erupted in cries of joy and triumph of course. They patted each other on the back, hugged, laughed, and finally, they thanked Steve and Natasha for coming to rescue them. Though they still couldn't believe a woman like her would dare come and attempt to save their sorry asses.

They were intrigued by her, and she could only laugh in response when a few of them were already asking if she was interested in going out for a drink with them as soon as they got back.

One dared to ask her. "So, do you have a man waiting for you back in your place?"

Even Steve and Bucky turned their attention to her to hear out what she was going to say. Steve, especially, somehow hoping that what he was thinking was what she was going to answer to.

"No." She answered, her striking-green eyes looking subtly fleeting over to their Captain. Her breath hitched in her throat when she caught him already looking at her. His eyes widened as soon as their gazes locked. She smirked. "Not at the moment."

"Could I have the honour of being that man?"

She redirected her attention back to the soldier in front. 'Depends if you could be the type of man I want."

"I'm sure I can live up to your standards."

Natasha raised an eyebrow, dauntingly, "Can you?"

The soldier's confidence dropped down like a bomb. And the other me all snickered in amusement and laughing with one another.

She smirked teasingly. "Don't hold your breath, soldier."

She then walked away from them her hips swinging at her sides. The men watched her movement, as she went deeper into the forest to get some fresh air and clear her head for a while.

Steve and Bucky were entranced by what just happened. Bucky was the first to snap out of it.

"Damn," He chuckled lowly. "What a woman."

And that was just one way to describe her.

Steve stared at the spot where she just disappeared from. His mind kept replaying the mental image of her just moments ago when she was fighting alongside him. When she was beating the hell out f those HYDRA men just like he was. He was amazed. Impressed. Intrigued by her.

He never knew anybody who had the same fiery spirit and passion as her. Except maybe her sister, Peggy. But then again maybe not. Natasha believed in him while she still had chicken legs, while Peggy on the other hand did not. Well to be fair Peggy didn't really know him (Neither did Natasha for the matter).

While Natasha was more of a mystery. A shadow. She preferred to observe than to attack. Steve had only met her a couple of weeks ago but he felt like he knew her all of his life. But then there was so much about her he didn't know. He wondered how could a woman like her, so beautiful and kind, could be so bold and daring at the same time?

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