Chapter 24

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Trigger Warning: Torture and ATTEMPTED sexual assault. 

Natasha had to admit she had to give Schmidt some points for being a man of his word.

They did everything, all right.

Once Schmidt left her to his soldiers' care. They didn't hesitate to beat her up. They kicked, punched, and crushed her until she was sure blood was all she could see and taste.

That didn't stop there.

Some even tried to have their way with her. They tied her wrists and chained them to a pole behind her back. Even her feet were locked in place so she couldn't move anywhere. The locks were too strong for her to break. She couldn't reach them so she couldn't try to pick the lock.

One had ripped her clothes until it was torn and shredded to pieces. Her bra was fully exposed and she couldn't do anything about it. The soldier groped her ass as his other hand brushed against her breast. She tried to ignore the pathetic feeling of being weak and struggled in her chains to stop him.

"Get off me."

"You'd rather let us hit you?" He dared ask her, squeezing her ass tighter. "Just give in like all the good little girls out there."

She winced, breathing heavily. All she wanted to do was to slam this bastard's skull onto the wall. "Fuck you." She spat blood at him.

"No. Fuck you." Even with the mask, she could see the sickening grin curling on this bastard's face. She felt his hands rub the flat of her stomach, going higher and higher until it reached her breasts. He started to slip his hands under the cups of her bra. "Might get a chance at you before Captain Fucking-merica does. "

That was it.

All anger and rage surged through her enough to get her system working again. With all the strength she had left, she rammed her forehead against the soldier's head. He stumbled a few steps back and even fell to the floor.

"You're a piece of shit you know that?" She yelled.

The HYDRA looked pissed now. He grabbed a baton from his belt and let her watch as the electric current began sparking out from it.

Natasha's eyes widened and she felt the fear rising on her chest. She tugged on her chains harder, doing nothing as it rattled against the pole behind her.

"You really wanna do it this way?" The HYDRA asked, threateningly.

She showed no fear.

"It's only going to sting a bit."

Natasha winced when she felt the excruciating pain of the baton hit her flesh. He jabbed it against her side. It was terrible. It was burning her skin, burning her muscles, everything. It was destroying her inside-out. She gasped out in pain, She silently begged for it to stop. But it didn't. The soldier dug it deeper into her side.

"Which would you prefer, bitch?" He asked, dragging the baton farther to press it onto her back as she jerked. 

They won't break you, Natasha. They won't.

I'm here, Nat.

She faintly heard the angelic voice of Steve rung in her ears. But it was fading, dying down at the sound of the baton pressing against her skin.

"That's enough."

The voice made the pain stop. Natasha almost choked on her own relief, snapping her eyes open to see Schmidt at the door. The HYDRA backed away from her, stopping at the side with his other soldiers.

He walked into the room until his sharp gaze finally settled on her. He sighed, turning to the soldier holding a baton, "I said you were authorized to take her prisoner but you were not authorized to turn her into your own..." He looked at her torn clothes and bruised body. "Playtoy."


You just can't admit that you won't break me. You never will.

He wallowed in fear. "I'm sorry, sir. I thought it was-"

"We can't afford to let the Captain see her like... this." He looked at her in disgust. "We do not need a reason for him to get more riled up to the point he is unrestrainable as well."

"Yes, sir."

Natasha was still trying to catch her breath and blink away the tears in her eyes.

Schmidt stood to his full height, looking down at her while he held a pocket watch in his hand. "Twenty minutes, agent. Then I'll find out how valuable your worth is to him."

"I... told you..." she scowled, breathing heavily, "He's not... stupid like you."

"If that's the case then you won't mind dying here right here and right now, won't you?"


She wasn't afraid of dying. She never was. It's just a pathetic idea to waste her life on dying like this. In a place where she wasn't even supposed to be.

It's a stupid death.

Natasha glared at him.

Schmidt could only grin in triumph.

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