Chapter 21

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Steve woke up with a pounding headache.

He blinked his eyes a few times, trying to adjust to the sudden light. Once his vision cleared out, he saw Gabe Jones and the other men at his side. He suspected that he was currently inside a tank because he felt the ground moving when he was just lying down.

He groaned, taking off his helmet.

"He's up," Jones announced.

The Captain tried to sit up. "How long was I out?"

"Just about an hour. We're close to the base." Falsworth answered.

"Where's Bucky?" Steve asked.

Jones looked down. "We were together and then HYDRA grabbed him and then he was... gone."

Suddenly, the memories of the mission came back to Steve's head. He felt like his mind was going to explode from the sudden depression.

Bucky getting captured...

Natasha falling...

Steve didn't know what to do anymore. He felt lonely. He felt defeated. And he couldn't accept the fact that the two most important people in his life were now gone. It didn't help at all when he thinks this is all his fault. He was the only one to be blamed for their loss. His job was to protect them, yet he failed. It was too much for him to handle.

And Bucky...

His blood instantly boiled at the thought of him being grabbed by HYDRA men and taking him to God knows where. Steve felt like punching himself. If only he had been quicker, or stronger, he could've saved him in time.

If only...

He pressed a hand to his face. Breathing and sobbing uncontrollably.

The men, even though they were meant to come out as strong soldiers, couldn't help but feel hurt at the sight of their Captain in front of them. Seeing the broken and pained expression on their Captain's face didn't help at all. They felt sorry for him. Nothing but deep regrets at what had happened.

This was the first time they'd seen him like this.

Captain America became a strong and mighty figure not just for them but as well as in the eyes of the whole country.

Somehow, they forgot what lies under those patriotic colours was also just an ordinary man named Steve Rogers.

Jim Morita laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're gonna get her. We promise."

Steve, with his head down, nodded in return.

A tear fell across his face.

And it didn't pass the men's eyes unseen.


It didn't help him at all as soon as they arrived back at the base.

Especially when Steve had run into the person he couldn't afford to face right now. He couldn't find the face to confront Peggy and tell her what had happened. Not when he knew how much Natasha meant to her as much as he did to him.

But unfortunately, when the Colonel asked for a mission report Peggy was at his side. She looked around exhausted and amazed.

Luckily Falsworth gave the report. But when he was mentioning the train Steve dropped to his knees. Peggy turned, concerned. "Steve? Are you okay?" The Colonel asked. 

Steve stared, haunted. Peggy realized someone was missing.

"I need to find Natasha. Can you help me find Natasha? I need to tell her I'm okay."He couldn't answer. He couldn't utter a word.

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