Chapter 18

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When Steve woke up, he stretched out his fingers, seeking Natasha's warmth. Steve sat up beside Natasha, leaning against the wall, his eyes trained on the world outside. There was enough light in the bedroom to see Natasha, facing him. In her sleep, Natasha's face was as fresh as a raindrop and as lovely as the primrose. His hand brushed the loose strands of Natasha's hair off her forehead. The gesture seemed natural and comforting. He was still stroking my hair when Natasha woke up.

"Natasha?" Steve whispered. Natasha groaned. "I'm up." She grumbled. "What time is it?" She asked. Steve shrugged and checked his watch. "7:45." He answered squinting to read the numbers on his small watch. Natasha bolted upright. "What?" She shrieked. "You have got to get out of here." She ordered. "Peggy's going to be here any minute."

As if on cue there was a knock at Natasha's door. "Natasha? It's me. Can I come in?" Peggy asked. Natasha and Steve's eyes widened. "Under the bed! Under the bed!" Natasha hissed. While shooing Steve under the bed. "Just a second!" Natasha yelled as she kicked Steve under. "Ow." Steve whimpered in pain.

"Come in!" Natasha called.

Peggy opened the door cautiously. Her chocolate curls were pulled up into a classy bun and secured with a pencil. She was wearing a white blouse with a tight black pencil skirt. Her black heels clicked on the waxed floor.

She frowned. "Is everything alright?" She asked. Natasha's lips tightened into a thin smile. "Mhmm." She hummed.

"Good," Peggy said still not buying it. "Anyway. Captain Rogers is missing have you seen him?" Peggy asked changing the topic. "Uh, no I have not. He probably went on a walk. He mentioned it last night." Natasha said quickly. Peggy raised her eyebrow. "He told you yesterday that he would be going on a walk today?" Peggy said suspiciously. "Mhm. Yeah. He'll probably turn up he always does. Anyway, I'll see you later. Bye!" Natasha said and pushed Peggy out the door.

"Oh also. What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice and black coffee?" Peggy asked. 

"I say... I don't eat food." Natasha responded.

Peggy furrowed her eyebrows. "What?"

Natasha's eyes widened and realized what she said made no sense. "Sorry. I mean... I say... well, that sounds great!" Natasha said quickly changing her answer.

"Are you sure your alright?" Peggy asked. "You're acting... funky."

"Sorry, Peg," Natasha murmured.

"It's good." Peggy smiled.

I can't have breakfast right now because I'm working..." She paused. "I'm doing this..." She swallowed working on an excuse. "Um..."

"I have cramps." She blurted.

Peggy blinked. Certainly not the answer she was expecting. Well, that worked. "I feel kind of pukey and just sort of..." Natasha went on. Peggy looked uncomfortable. "It's okay," Peggy said trying to end the conversation as soon as possible.

"Like, emotional. I keep crying." Natasha went on ignoring Peggy's desperate plea. "Okay. You can stop." Peggy said covering her ears. Natasha rolled her eyes. "It's brutal." Natasha waved her hand. "You don't want to know."

"Trust me. It's, like, bad."

"Got it," Peggy said eagerly trying to change the topic.

"Thanks, Peggy," Natasha said and smiled.


Natasha hurried Peggy out the door. But before she could leave Peggy turned around. "Wait. How can you get cramps if you don't have a uterus?" Peggy asked.

"Ah, yes! You calling me out on it just gave me a breakthrough. I'm cured. Anyway, I'll see you at breakfast, bye Peggy!" Natasha rambled and shoved Peggy out the door and slammed it.

Steve burst out laughing. Natasha rolled her eyes and pulled him out from under the bed. "Shut up." She grumbled. and helped him to his feet. She wrapped her arms around Steve's neck. "Aren't we a fine pair?" Steve commented. Natasha smiled.

"Okay, you have to go." She murmured, slowly pulling away. She reached out to touch his cheek and he caught her hand and pressed it against his lips. "Tell me what you feel."

Natasha caressed her other hand to Steve's other cheek. "I just feel you." She answered. Steve kissed Natasha's hand. "You missed." She whispered. Steve grinned and wrapped his arms around Natasha and leaned in and kissed her.

They both pulled away smiling. They held hands. "So long, Darling," Steve whispered and let go and left and quietly shut her door. Natasha smirked.

She pulled on a white button-up blouse and loose black pants. She slid into black leather boots. She then braided her hair. She then left.

She headed to the main dining hall, already there were Colonel Phillips, Peggy, Steve, Bucky, and the rest of the Howling Commandos. She grabbed a plate and sat down to eat with the rest.

She listened intently while eating. She and Steve occasionally looked up or stole glances at each other when they thought no one was looking.

"So, Steve, how was your sleep?" Bucky asked. Spotting Natasha and Steve's sexual tension.

Steve choked on his water. "Uh, sorry?" He asked. "How was your sleep? I'm only asking because you left one of your books in my room. And when I went to give it back you weren't there." Bucky explained grinning.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was good." Steve answered shrugging. Natasha smirked down at her food. Trying not to laugh.

"I bet," Bucky said smiling cheekily and took a bite of his eggs. Natasha looked away and smiled. "So, Rogers, where were you all this time?" Natasha asked. Steve glared at her. "I was, uh, going on a walk. And I lost track of time. I'm sorry if I caused a kerfuffle."

Natasha grinned and sipped her coffee. "You'll have to excuse me." She said and got up. "And where do you think you're going?" Peggy asked. Natasha raised her eyebrows and looked directly at Steve.

"I'm going on a walk."

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