Chapter 16

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Two by two, girls fell into the center and fought each other until one or the other wasn't able to continue. Bones cracked, and sweat dripped onto the cement floor (which was extremely bare of any cushioning if someone fell). A pretty blonde girl got her lip split in two, and her blood joined the sweat on the floor. The pretty blonde girl fell to the ground with a cracking sound.

The next group went to the center. Ten minutes had passed before a tall brunette threw her opponent over her shoulder and sent her flying to the floor. With a whimper, the girl on the floor and her partner were sent out of the room.

The next group.

Natasha walked into the center, Natasha stared at the girl with wide eyes. The girl had blonde hair and gray eyes. Natasha knew the girl quite well, her name was Yelena.

Yelena. The girl who freed Natasha from the Red Room. The girl Natasha killed.

As the instructor told them to begin, Natasha raised her arms in front of her in a defensive position, and they began to circle each other. She could feel the slippery floor beneath us, which had been soaked with blood and sweat.

"Sestra..." Natasha whispered.

As soon as those words left her lips the dream changed. Soon the training room of the Red Room became an abandoned ally in Morroco. The last place where Natasha last saw Yelena alive. She remembered the mission objective. She had to track down Yelena, who had freed herself from her chemical brainwashing and was on the run with an antidote that can liberate the other Widows.

As the dream changed so did Yelena. Her skin full of life turned dead and gray. Her hair once lush and vibrant was now limp and greasy. Her gray eyes became glassy and lifeless.

"You did this to me!" Yelena yelled tears spilling from her dead eyes. "No! No! I didn't mean to." Natasha begged. "Then why did you kill me?!" Yelena yelled. "It wasn't my fault! Sestra please!"

"I got out. I tried to tell you. You killed me. I freed you from Ivan. Are you going to say anything?" Yelena taunted. Natasha reached out to her. Yelena slapped Natasha's hand away. "Don't touch me. You killed me."

"Don't you think I know that?!? I have to live the rest of my life knowing that I killed the one person I cared about in that- that hell! I didn't mean to kill you! You wasted the only vial of that antidote on me! You didn't have to do that. You could have hidden that vial and let me become a suicidal Widow. Who causes death everywhere she goes. But you didn't! Because. You. Love. Me."

Yelena shook her head in disbelief. "No. No. You killed me."

Natasha shook her head still crying and smiling. "No. But I want to make peace with your ghost."

Yelena looked up at her confused. "Natalia?" Natasha smiled through her tears and nodded. "Yes. It's me."

"Did-did you kill him?" Yelena asked. "I don't know. I burned down the Red Room. But I think he's still alive."

Yelena looked down her expression saddened. "But. I will find him. And I will kill him. And I will Avenge you." Natasha promised. "No," Yelena said. "No?" Natasha asked confused.

"Do it for you. Avenge every child he stole. And. Make. Him. Suffer." Yelena said with every word Yelena's colour and life returned. Natasha nodded and hugged Yelena.

Yelena gasped and clutched her side. "What's happening?" Blood poured through her wound. "Y-you..." Yelena choked. Natasha's eyes widened and shook her head fast. Natasha stared at her hands now stained with blood. And a knife in one. "No!" Natasha screamed. Yelena's colour slowly started to fade away.

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