Chapter 10

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"Do you know the consequences that await the both of us if the senator finds out about this?"

"Yes, sir. But—"

"And do you know how difficult is the situation you've put me through?"

Peggy bit down on her tongue to suppress the bitter remark rising on the back of her throat.

She was in trouble. And being 'pissed off' was an understatement to describe the Colonel. The Senator threw a fit when they had to cancel one of Captain America's shows because the Captain himself wasn't present.

Colonel Phillips was given a hell of a lecture.

And he was now passing the earful lecture to her.

He walked over to a typewriter and pulled out a piece of paper. With both hands, he tore it in between. "That just  describes how safe you are at keeping your ranking, Agent Carter."

She kept her lips tight, exhaling in a furious breath.

"I can't touch Stark. He's rich and he's the army's number one weapons contractor. You are neither one!"

"Will all due respect sir, I don't regret my actions. And I don't think Captain Rogers and Agent Romanoff did either. She did what she thought was right. And that is to help the Captain."

"Of course, because Rogers had to drag in his little girlfriend in here, didn't he?" Phillips snarled.

Peggy tensed up, quickly disapproving of the idea as soon as it was out. "She's not his girlfriend, Colonel."


"Did I say something wrong, sir?"

"If I hadn't known you well enough, Agent Carter, I'd like to think that you're showing the most childish act an agent could show."

"And what is that?"


Peggy narrowed her eyes. She scoffed, refusing to believe such an accusation. "Colonel, I assure you I am not jealous. Natasha is my sister."


Keeping the idea out of her head, she still tried to change his mind. "Colonel, I think they made a good decision of going after the soldiers—"

"What makes you think I give a damn about your opinions?" He interjected, sharply. "I took a chance with you, Agent Carter. And now America's golden boy and a lot of other good men are dead... because you had a crush."

"It wasn't that. I had faith."

"Well, I hope that's a big comfort to you when they shut this division down."

She rolled her eyes in irritation.

Then something happened. A noise was ensured outside. She peeked over the tent and saw numerous soldiers running around and shouting in joy.

"What the hell's going on out there?" Phillips asked.

Numerous voices were heard but she was able to decipher one message.

"Look who rose from the dead!"

Only one thought came to her mind.

Quickly, she raced outside and made her way through the crowd of soldiers. The sight that greeted her almost made her want to cry in relief.

Steve was there, Natasha was right beside him.

By the time they arrived, she saw everyone's face lit up with pure joy by the time they arrived, she couldn't help but grin in happiness too. It was rewarding to know that she helped bring these soldiers back here. Back home.

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