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A/n if your new you don't need to read this. But if you have read this,I rewrote the backstory since I didn't really like it.

I woke up to my alarm. I got up quietly so that my parents don't hear me. It's dark and rainy outside. I got dressed in jeans,coverse, and a t-shirt and flannel. I packed my bags and added an invention of mine. It's supposed to be a spy glass. It works good so far if jack Robeson didn't break it. Jack is an asshole that never leaves me alone. I put on my raincoat and walked out of my house. It's cold but I like the cold. As I walked to the bus stop I saw that jack was the only one there. Great will is probably being driven to school. Will is my friend,we've been friends since the 4th grade.

A/n that's what I'm writing for now I'm having things go on rn so I'll just write more when i can.

Carrying on from what I just left off.

I walked towards the bus stop but stopped 7 feet away from jack. Just don't look at him and he will leave you alone. The bus came and I walked on to only see one seat left. Great I have to sit with jack. I sat by the window as I watched jack sit next to while he was giving me a death stare. I kept looking out the window to avoid jack. "Are just going to sit there and ignore me or what?," Jack asked. Why the fuck is he talking to me. I hate him and he hates me. He waved his hand infront of my face. "," I asked. "To say sorry," he answered. What the fuck does he mean. "Look just accept the apology my mom made me say this," he said. "Was it your mom or your dad," I asked sarcastically but knowing the answer. "shut do you accept it?," he asked. "Yea but I know your mom would want to meet my parents," she's done this many times with wills parents. "Yea so just tell your parents," he said. I looked out the window the rest of the way to school.

When the bus got to school the line was taking too long. Fuck this. I opened the window and jumped out. Thank God it was the emergency one too.

I walked to my locker and put my stuff in and walked to class. I saw that will was late to class. I passed him a note asking why.

A/n: I'm really sorry that I'm not writing a lot for this but I'm not doing well rn so I can't really write.

Back to the story ig

He wrote a note back saying that jack told him the same thing he told me.

(Time skip since I'm lazy)

I got home to my parents screaming at each other. Great.

I waited till they stopped. "Um hey mom can u talk to you?,"


"Well uh Jack's parents want us over for dinner...uh casual by the way,"

"What time?,"

"He didn't say but 5 maybe,"

"Ok,I'll talk to your dad,"

Fuck he'll just make this worse.

(Time skip)

Mom told me to get ready for dinner so I got into New clothes.
I put on a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved shirt that is purple with black stripes with a black and green striped hoodie. I grabbed my goggles and invention to have something to do.

"Hey bitch were leaving," my dad said.

He said that calm?

We got to Jack's house and knocked on the door. A man answered,I assumed it was Jack's dad.

Jack was talking to will when I walked in. "Hey Eros," will waved to me. I walked over to them. They were acting like life long friends. Weird.

Jack showed us around the house. We hangout in his room most of the time. Surprisingly it wasn't messy. "Should we go outside?," Jack asked. I looked up from working on my invention. "Sure," me and will said.

Jack showed us random things in his shed. I was very confused so was will.

I guess we all have something in common.

I just realized. "Kids time for dinner" wills dad yelled.

At the table there was salad and chicken. Idk first thing that came to mind.

While eating our parents were talking about the situation at school. My dad of course had to speak. "It's her fault, she keeps bringing that nerdy shit to school,"

"It's not shit," I said hesitant.

"Well if it's not why doesn't it work?,"

I stayed silent. "Exactly," he said.

I continued to eat until Jack's mom asked me a question. "Why do you have bandages on your face?," shit what do I say? Tell the truth that my dad gave me it.

"She went bat shit crazy and cut herself a smile on her face," my dad said.

"Fuck off," will said. "You know damn well you gave it to him," Thanks for the pronouns but you shouldn't had said something.

"WILL,why would you say that," his mom said.

Jack's family was silent.

"You told him," my dad said.

Shit he's calm,I'm fucked.

He grabbed my arm and started yelling at me. My mom started screaming while will and his family was shocked. Jack sat there while his dad tried to calm my dad down. Jack's mom tried calling the police.

My dad dragged me outside and took me to the shed.

He grabbed anything he could that was sharp. He found an axe. Thank God jack and will came their parents where inside trying to calm down my mom and calling the police.

This is very cringe to me.

Jack tried grabbing the axe while will tried getting me out of my dad's grip. Jack got the axe and ran. I got out of my dad's grip. I saw my dad running for jack. "SHIT," me and will yelled. We ran to help but when we got there jack fell and tried swinging the axe to defend himself. I took the ace and swung it into my dads stomach. Then will kicked his face. Lol My dad fell bleeding to the ground.

The cops got there as soon as he fell. They took us away from my dad ignoring the fact that I had a bloody axe in my hands. The cops payed more attention to our parents then us. "What do we do?," I asked jack and will. Then the cops came to us.

"Why the bloody axe?," they asked.

"Um uh well it was self defense," will said.

"Yea well that man is dead now,so whoever hit him we need to talk too," thank God our parents called them over. "We'll talk about this," they said as they walked away. "Guys we need to run now," I said.


"They saw I know it,technically we all killed him,"


"Where do we run though?,"

I pointed to the forest and we ran as fast as we could. I still had the axe in my hand just incase.

I ran into a tall figure while jack and will kept running,they didn't notice. I got up but them passed out.

This is all I might write a story for will and jack but idk.

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