hes coming(cum hehe)

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I couldn't stop thinking about my answer to maruths question. Do I really choose the proxies? "Eros are you ok?" Marith asked me. "Hm? Oh yea I'm good." I answered. Today was the day we were allowed to leave the chamber. I sensed someone coming towards the chamber. I got up and stood in front of the door. Hoodie was opening the door to come and get us. "Goodmorning children follow me." He said. We both got our stuff and followed him out the chamber. When we got to the main area hoodie left us to do whatever we wanted. I went up to my room to put my stuff back. "Hey Eros your out of the chamber!", I heard jack say as he walked in my room. "Yea, kinda relieved." I replied.  "So wanna hangout?"

"Sure we haven't in a while, but where's will?"

"He's still sleeping."

"Oh ok."

We both walked out my room and went to the living room. "Wanna watch tv?" Jack asked. "Yes; I haven't in so long!" I replied. We sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Teen titans was on.

We watched TV for a while till we decided to talk to each other. "So what was the chamber like?" Jack questioned. "A bit boring but there was board games so." I answered.

"Wow so it was ok?"


"Anything happen?"

"Nope. Anything happen up here?"


It was a bit awkward since we havnt talked in a while. I saw marith come downstairs. I waved to her with a smile as they did the same. She walked over to us and sat down next to me. "So what should we do?" Jack asked us. "We havn't been outside in a long time so we should find something to do out there." Marith said. We all agreed and walked outside. "Hey Eros does Jack know about the lake?" Marith asked me.

"There's a lake?" Jack questioned.

"Yea, should we go there?" I asked.

They both said yes so we started walking towards the lake. "I found the lake when exploring one day." I said. Jack nodded.

When we got to the lake I began to climb the tree. "Are we supposed to climb up there?" Jack asked.

"You don't have to I just do." I replied.

"Eros don't you dare jump into the lake again." Marith said.

"Ok fine MOM!" I said sarcastically.

Marith glared at me. I smiled.

"Ok but seriously I won't jump in, I don't feel like swimming." I said.

"Good." She said.

"Well what should we do then?" Jack asked.

"Frogs live here." I said jumping off a branch. I landed on the ground.

I perked my head up when sensing someone was near us. I saw slenderman walking around to forest. Both of you stay quiet I wanna scare slenderman. I said using telepathy. Jack was confused but listened. I began walking slowly as they followed me. I was walking slowly behind slendman. I then motioned jack and marith that I was going to grab his leg. Damn he's tall. I thought. I jumped as high as I can and grabbed his leg. Jack and marith grabbed his arm. "AH JESUS!" I heard slenderman yell. "Oh, it's just you guys." He said. I gave him a big smile and began to laugh. I began to lose grip on his leg and was about to fall off. Slenderman took his free hand and took me and set me down on the ground. He also helped jack and marith down. "I'm 15 feet tall but that doesn't mean that you can do that." He said. "WHY ARE YOU SO TALL?!" I yelled. He chuckled and kept walking. "So where are you going?" Jack asked. " I was just walking back to the mansion." He replied. We walked with him.

When we got to the mansion me, marith and jack all sat on the couch thinking on what to do next. "I'm going to go get a book." Marith said. We nodded in response.

"So Eros how can you- uh- you know." He said pointing to his head.

"I think it's because I- um I don't know actually." I said stopping myself from saying that I'm zalgos child.

"Oh ok."

"So like how does it work?" He asked me.
I stood up to help explain it to him. "Well I kinda just-" I started before I saw everything go black.

I heard talking but couldn't understand it.

I woke up in my bed. It was night time. I looked around to realize I wasn't in my room. I was in the chamber again. I tried to remember what happened but I couldn't.

(What happened when eros passed out 3rd person view)

Eros passed out in the middle of talking to jack. Jack stood up and started trying to talk to Eros. "Eros? Shit. Hello??!?" The lights went out. Jack went to Eros and shook his shoulders. "HELLO EROS WAKE UP! WAKE UP EROS!" The lights started to flicker. "EROS WAKE UP, I DONT LIKE THIS EROS WAKE UP!" The lights stopped flickering. Slenderman walked towards them and picked Eros up. He took them to the chamber. "HELLO SLENDER WHAYS GOING ON??!?!?" Jack screamed when slenderman came back. "Zalgo is trying to control Eros." He said.

"How do you know!"

Slenderman looked at jack and said "experience.".
(End of what happened)

Anyway inspired by stranger things s4 sry if you havn't watched it yet :/.

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