what happened in the forest pt .1

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When eros passed out she woke up to find people around him. "Who are you,I'll kill you," They said as they held up her axe."Relax we won't hurt you," a boy that looked like a familiar character. "Why should I trust you," he replied. "Because does it look like we want to hurt you," the tall man without a face questioned. "I remember you,I ran into you when I ran into the forest," Eros said looking at the man. "Yes,you did,did I scare you," he asked. She got up and cleaned the dirt of her pants and sweater. "Only a little bit," she replied. "Really,you  passed out,though I think  that was because of me," the man said. "Well I was going through...some things,ok" he replied. "Oh,right you killed your da-," "quite toby I don't think she's wants to talk about that," the tall man interrupted a boy with goggles and a mask. "I don't right now,maybe later but can I know who I'm talking to," " oh,well I'm ben,called Ben drowned though," one said. "I'm toby,called.ticci toby because of my tics," said the boy. " you have tics too," Eros replied to toby. " yea right now there kinda calm," toby replied. "Same for me,' eros replied. "I'm slenderman,but you can call me slender," the tall man said. "Ok" Eros said with a smile. "Well i think we should show,uhh what's you name," Ben questioned. " oh,I'm Eros," They replied. "Oh,ok Eros we should probably show you our home with more of people like us,we can tell you our story later too," Ben said while walking. "Ok" Eros replied. "Hey,why should we only you guys,and me now know what she did," a voice said from the trees. "Masky,we've been over this many times with each of the proxies," slender said. "I'm just saying,what's the point he's dangerous maybe more than Ben and toby," masky said. "So what I'm dangerous,ibet you are too," Eros said trying to defend himself. "I am,but I think your crazy,more than me and toby," maksy said. "Dont call me crazy" Eros said. "See crazy,I tell ya slender," masky said smirking. It's like he wants to die. Eros thought while clinging on to their axe. "That's enough masky," slender interrupted. "Ok,I'm done," masky said. They all started walking to the house. "Hey,are you ok it looks like your crying," Ben asked. "I-I'm f-fine," Eros replied trying to hold back her tears. "You sure i-" "I said I'm fine," eros said. "Ok, sorry geez," Ben replied. "Are sure your fine Eros," masky asked. "Why would YOU care," Eros asked. "Because I didn't want to make you cry I just don't trust newbies,last time I did Jane tried to kill me," he replied. "That was you fault though," toby replied. "What did he do," slender asked. "toby you weren't supposed to say that," masky said through his teeth. "Oh yea,sorry," toby said. "Well what happened,I would like to know," slender asked. "Masky called Jane a crazy bitch after hearing her story," Ben said. "It's like people don't like being called crazy," masky said. "By the way why were you crying Eros,if you were," toby said trying to change the subject. "Well I was, only because what happened earlier," Eros replied. "Ok,but what's wrong with that," maksy asked. "Well I still don't wanna talk about it,"Hey when are we getting to the house," Eros asked. "In like five minutes,why are you getting tired," Ben asked. "A little," eros replied. "Here get on my back," maksy said. Eros got on maskys back and fell asleep.

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