a calm day

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I woke only to the darkness. I saw black and white starting to wake up. "Is something bothering you?" She asked.


"Eros...I may not have mind reading powers like you, but I know your lying,"

"I don't know what your talking about,"

She sighed. "How long were you awake?"

"Almost all night,"

"Can you fall asleep?"


"I can't either. Do you wanna hangout?"


We went downstairs to go see if anyone was up or if there was anything to do. We saw e.j watching TV. I least I think that's what he was doing.

We gave each other a look.


"I don't know"

We sat in the couch next to him.

"Can't sleep?" E.j asked.

"Noo were just up walking around after a long day," I said sarcastically. Black and white laughed.

On the TV was gravity falls.
Idk it was the first show that came to mind.

"What episode?" I asked.
"Season 2 episode 3" he answered.

We sat there in silence unless we laughed or had something to say.

I look up from the TV to see that it was morning. Slender walked up from the basement (that's where he sleeps ig cause the bitch is tall) he looked at us and just went to the kitchen to get water and make breakfast. "So why are you two up before me?" He asked.

"It's normal for e.j to be up, but you two usually wake up after,"

"Couldn't sleep," I said.

"Did you a least try or did you just sit there?"

"Yea we banged our heads in the wall so we could pass out to sleep!" I said sarcastically.

He went back to making breakfast. A little later Ben and Jeff came downstairs. Ben's hair was all messed up as if hasn't brushed it in weeks.

After everyone came downstairs breakfast was done. There was eggs, hashbrowns, toast, bacon and drinks. I ate a little since I didn't feel like eating. Will and jack were just being quiet.

After breakfast some stayed downstairs and some went upstairs. Me and black and white were on the couch watching the amazing world of gumball. Eventually I fell asleep and I think black and white did too.

* a little bit later*

I woke up to toby coming downstairs blasting music on a speaker.

I'm not able to put a tik tok on here but it's just the animal crossing meme. :|

I looked up in horror knowing what it was. Then I saw Jeff dancing in the table and Ben screaming, which woke black and white up. She heard and then quickly understood. Will and jack were laughing. The adults didn't understand what was happening so they left the room.

Toby eventually left the room which calmed Ben down, made Jeff sad cause he couldn't dance to it, and me black and white, jack ,and will calmed down.

"That was definitely a way to wake up," I said.


*when they were sleeping*

"Hey Ben do you have a camera?" Jack asked.


Ben went to go get the camera.

"You guys should just leave them alone their sleeping," hoodie says.

"No, this is something Eros would NEVER do," will said.

Ben came back with the camera so that they could take a picture. "What's going o- oh!" Toby came in wondering why everyone was by the couch.


*end of what was happening*

"Oh Eros here," will says handing me a picture. I looked at it and got embarrassed.

"WHY?! Ow!" I yelled in pain since the cuts on my face still haven't healed.

"What's wrong?" Slender asked.

"Yelling hurts the cuts," I said.

"They still haven't healed?"


Slender went upstairs (somehow) and came back with Jeff.

Why did he get Jeff?

"Jeff's going to help you with your cuts," slender said.

"WHAT WHY, ouch,"

"That's why, he knows what to do,"


Jeff grabbed some needles and surgical thread and sat down at the table. I sat down knowing I was going to get stitches.

"How long have you had the cuts?" Jeff asked.

"I don't know,"

"That's not good,"

He took off the bandages and started cleaning the cuts, which hurt. After cleaning the cuts he started giving me stitches, that kinda hurt.

"Alright done," he said.

"Thanks," I said getting up.

K that's all I can think of but I have some  things to say.

1.jeff might get in the story more idk why but he reminds me of my brother and I feel like I only mentioned him twice.

2.i made a Playlist with music that reminds me of hutch its on Spotify called 'mental hutch'

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