fun facts!

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So I decided to do some fun facts about Eros:) cause why not.

1. Eros is based off me

2. Eros is Hispanic(like me)

3. Eros is pagan(also like me)

4. Will and Eros became friends because they had to become partners for many school assignments and will moved in the neighborhood at the time

5. Eros is trans(ftm) and pansexual(like me for the trans)

6. Eros started inventing things because of a video game(league of legends) some characters inspired her

7. Eros goes by any pronouns/ doesn't really give a shit what you call him

8. Jack and Eros become enemies when eros insulted jack

9. Eros is told they have schizophrenia but it's just early signs of having powers (being able to read minds)

Now done with that I  will list all of Eros mental illnesses.





And that's a I can remember:)

Eros Went Mental Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora