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I was in my room chilling staring at the wall, that's normal for me.

"Eros?," black and white asked.

"Do you need something?,"

"I wanted to tell you something,"
"About what you saw earlier,"

She told me what was going on. I thought it was strange but sill listened.

"Oh so that's why you where gone,"


"Um... Hey... Eros," she started. She was about to ask me something but backed out. "You can tell me," I said.

She asked me about will and jack, although I knew what she was thinking.

"I know that was a lie," I said.

"H-how did you know?,"

I let them think for a second.

"Wait!? You can read minds?!"


"Whoa ... that is cool!"


"Would you like to see sodu?," she asked.



She must have got scared, it did pop out of nowhere.

"Hi... my name is sodu and your Eros right?"

"How did you know?"

"Well first of all-"

I heard footsteps.

"EROS ARE YOU OKAY?"  Jack and will asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine why?"

"Then why did you scream? And whi is that?" Will asked pointing at black and white or sodu.

"Which one are you pointing at?"

"Huh what do you mean?" Jack asked.

"There's only one person there," will said.

Right only certain people can see sodu.

"What are you guys names?" Black and white asked.

"My name is jack.... Jack Robeson," he replied.

"And my name is will,"

"Yea I guess. We were found by Eros,"

Black and white looked confused.

"Their my friends," I said.

"Oh okay,"

I heard something outside so I got slender and ran outside.

Black and white was just standing there in shock?

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine" she replied.

She told us she was tired and was going to bed.

I told slender I was going to go at the willow tree to chill. As I was walking I heard this voice that I knew wasn't my schizophrenia.


"You should know, or do you not remember me?,"

I heard this menacing voice say.

No NO it's just schizophrenia nothing else.

I ran to the house to try to clear my mind and the the voice stopped.

"Thank God," I said.

"I'm going to bed," I said to slender walking past him.

"Nope, we need to gave a discussion," he said grabbing me by me shirt.


I saw jack and will sitting on the couch looking at me with a weird look. They were blushing??


"About sleeping....where do they sleep," slender asked.

"I- I don't know,"

"Um-uh well slenderman said we could share your room bu-,"

I stopped will.


"Calm down Eros. I know it's weird but,"

"Maybe I can't share with black and white  and they can have my room till their rooms are done,"

"That works, now can we just go to bed?!?!" Jack said fast.

Slender sent us upstairs to go to bed.

Wait what am I going to do? Black and white are sleeping. Shit.

I walked into her room and got to their bed and whispered to her.

"Hey black and white, I need to talk to you," I was really embarrassed.


"We uh need to share a room till jack and will get their own," I said.

"What will we do then?"

"I don't know, I'll just get extra blankets and pillows and I can't sleep on the floor," I said.


I went in the hallway slowly to not wake anyone up. I got 4 blankets two for the floor so I don't have to sleep on wood and two to keep me warm.

I got back to the room and set the blankets up.

"Goodnught Eros," black and white said sounding tired.


I stared at the wall till I fell asleep.


"Eros, wake up,"


The voice was similar to the one in the forest. I woke up or I thought i did.

I saw this demon looking thing staring at me.

"What do you want?"

"For you to remember,"

*dream ended*

Ok that's the story for today.

Eros Went Mental Where stories live. Discover now