the first mission

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Eros woke up to the smell of food. He walked downstairs to see everyone sitting at the table except black and white,ben,Ben, masky,hoodie and ej(eyeless jack if you don't know). They were sitting on the floor eating. Hutch sat down with them while hoodie gave them a plate with some food. "I didn't put alot on since I've noticed that you haven't been eating much," hoodie said. On the plate were waffles,eggs,and toast.  "So why are we sitting on the floor?," Eros asked.

"There wasn't enough seats at the table,"


When everyone finished eating slender called ben, Eros ,black and white,and hoodie.

"I have a mission for you guys,it's quite a dangerous,especially for Eros ,Ben and black and white,"

"What is it?,"

"I need you to get something,from zal-,"


"I understand,but think of it as a way to educate them,even if Ben knows,"

What's he talking about? Who's or whats name was he about to say?

"Can you just tell us!,"

"Ok,I need you to get the portal closed at zalgos lair so he can stop coming through,"

"Fine then,we won't get caught," Eros said.

"Yea we won't," Ben and black and white said.

"FINE,but if they get hurt I'm blaming it in YOU slenderman," hoodie agreed.

Who's zalgo? Whatever I'll find out later. "Hey Eros let's go," hoodie said. "Hold on,I need my axe," Eros replied. When walking in the woods hutch noticed  that Ben had a sword. " Hey Ben were did you get the sword?," eros asked. "Oh I just remember having it," he replied. She doesn't need to know,not yet. "Did you hear something?," Eros questioned. Everyone stopped in their tracks. "I don't see anything,neither do I hear anything," black and white said. "Maybe it's just your schizophrenia ," hoodie said. "I don't think it was,it sounded real,like talking, " Eros  replied. "Well what did the voice say?," Ben asked. "She doesn't need to know,not yet," eros said.

That's what I thought,how is that possible? Ben thought.

"Eros, I was thinking that,"Ben mentioned. Shit can j read minds too? What the fucks going on with me?

"Uhh,Eros  why did you go all quite?," black and white asked.

"I'll tell you guys later,lets just get this mission done,"

They got to a portal which is what hutch thought they had to close. Hoodie led them through the portal and led them around the lair. They got to a portal that was the one they had to close. "How do we close the portal?," we asked hoodie. Hoodie started pulling levers and throwing strange looking things that looked like bombs in the portal. "Now it should close on 2 minutes,so will the other one, we have to hurry," hoodie said. They all ran as fast as they could trying not be caught. When  they got to the portal they had to jump at the same time or someone would be left behind. They got through and had to run so that nothing or No one came through. They all stopped to catch their breath when they got far enough. "We did it now let's go home," hoodie said out of breath.

God he's like a father figure. All the kids thought. Eros started laughing due to hearing all of them say the same thing. "Why are you laughing?, " black and white asked. "You will see  later," Eros replied.

Ok I'll make a part 2 later I'm tired rn

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