the void

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My head hurt so much. It felt like my brain was trying to jump out of my skull. I was having a conversation with marith since we both woke up in the chamber. "My head really hurts." They said. "So does mine." I replied. I noticed that marith tried to get up, she failed. I heard them thinking about something but I couldn't tell. I heard the chamber door open, it was jack. Jack came in with food in his hands. "Hey Eros, hey marith." Jack greeted. "Slender told me to give this to you guys, it's food it'll restore some of your energy." He said. He handed us the food and left. I began to eat. I was so tired it was kinda hard to eat.

When marith got down eating she set the rest of her food on the table next to them. She tried to get up bit couldn't. She fell and looked like they were staring at the floor. They screamed and passed out. "SHIT!" I yelled. I got up and attempted to pick her up. I eventually got her back on her bed. God I'm so weak. I sat back down on my bed. I put my food on the table next to me and layed down.

The book! I got up and slowly walked to the cabinets. I opened the one with the book in it. It was still there like as it was before. I opened it up and went to the page with marith on it. The same thing  except her mother's name was crossed out and she had a new power. I ignored it and went to my page. Nothing new. I then read the words "void shifting'. I began to read father from the children pages.

I read the entire book and found out more. I was confused but pushed those thoughts away. I put the book back in the cabinet and went back to my bed. Void shifting... I couldn't stop thinking about what it could mean. I heard a voice say "close your eyes and think of the void, you'll be there then!" I sat up and looked around. Great another voice. I thought about listening to the voice. I sat up against the wall and closed my eyes. What does a void look like? I ahd trouble keeping my eyes.closed so i tooe the pillow case and used it as a blind fold. I began to just imagine a blank area. With nothing but fog. It was pitch black. I began to feel as if I was floating. I tried to ignore it but then the feeling stopped. I opened my eyes to see what I was imagining. I got up and began to walk around. There was nothing but fog, just like I imagined. I heard wispers. "Hey! Is anyone hear?" I yelled. The wispers stopped. I then saw a little girl infront if me. She had long brown hair and glowing red eyes,  and was wearing a long red dress with red shoes. "Who are you!?" I asked. She giggled then stopped at an instant. She looked at me with a serious face. "You can't escape him." She said. "What do you mean? " I questioned. She then disappeared. The wispers started again. I walked around more. "He controls you, you can't escape." I heard a voice say. "You'll have to give in at some point, you'll have to work for him." The voice said. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. I walked around more. Still the same thing.

I saw red fog surround me. I saw a shadow walk towards me. The shadow turned into a demon. "GET AWAY FROM ME!: I streamed as I ran away. As I was running I saw the same red fog. I was running in circles. "How sad. You don't want to be near your own father." He said. He walked right infront of me. He put his hand in my jawline. "Quite disrespectful if you ask me!" He spat as he grabbed my arm. His grip got tighter by every second. "What do you want from me!" I asked. He laughed. "To join me of course. You, me  and the rest of your siblings." He said with a smirk. "I would rather die!" I spat. He looked at me with anger. He instantly calmed down though. He let go of me and walked away. He stopped about 12 feet away from me. "You will join me at some point. It's only a matter of time and corporation." He said. I walked back up to me and covered my eyes. "It's time you go back my child." He said.

I took the pillow case off and looked around. I was in the chamber. I put the pillow case back on my pillow and laid down. I tried to sleep but I couldn't. Suddenly I felt a wave of tiredness come over me. It must have been from being in the void for such a long time. I slowly fell asleep.

The end of this chapter. It's crappy.

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