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Still reeling from what happened in the gym, Amelia runs down the hallways of the high school.
The urge to find her cousin unharmed now more prominent.
"Bonnie?'' she calls for the girl.
She keeps moving, however, so as not to be easily caught by possible attackers.
Amelia Bennett is certainly not an easy target and she never wants to be.
"Bonnie? Where the hell are you?!" she continues to shout.
The screams she can hear coming from the direction of the gym only worry her more.


"Amelia?" the shouting of a familiar voice makes Amelia pause and she looks around her surroundings.
She clearly heard her cousin, but she is nowhere to be seen.
"Amelia!" the expected answer follows quickly and Amelia sprints towards the voice.


After a short search, she finds herself at the school swimming pool.
She is about to leave again when she sees two struggling figures at the bottom of the pool.
The beautiful face of her cousin easy to recognize.
"Shit," the young witch curses in panic and she quickly puts her cell phone down on the edge before diving headfirst into the pool.

The cold water welcomes her eagerly and her clothes soak up, dragging her down a bit.
She uses this to dive down to the two people, holding her breath.
Bonnie looks up at her in panic and points to the other person, who seems to be chained to heavy weights.
Bonnie tries to tell her something, but the gurgling of the water is all Amelia hears.
She recognizes the Donovan boy on her own, though, and forces herself to dive deeper, even though her lungs are already burning in protest.

Her and Bonnie pull and tug on the chains.
But when she realizes that her cousin is also running out of air, she makes a risky decision.
"Vados," she chants and her magic triggers a huge explosion in the water.
The chains around Matt burst open and Bonnie pushes him up with her last strength.
Once he's on the surface, she lifts herself out of the water and tugs him after her.
Then she searches for his pulse.
"No, Matt!" she calls out to him when she feels no sign of life.

With practiced movements, Bonnie performs chest compressions on him and after a short time, he awakens with a jerk and spits out inhaled water.
"Thank God.
Amelia, he's okay!" the witch breathes out in relief, but she gets no answer.

Panicked, her gaze falls back into the water, where her cousin's body floats in her own blood.
Bonnie immediately jumps back into the water and pulls her out.
"Matt, put pressure on her wound," she instructs the disoriented boy, and he does as she asks while she performs chest compressions again.

"Is that Amy?
What is she doing here?" Matt asks in panic as soon as he regains his senses and Bonnie looks at him angrily.
"She saved you and now she won't wake up," she accuses him, continuing to pump the chest of the girl she considers her best friend.
"Shit, Bonnie. I'm sorry"
Bonnie desperately hammers her fists on Amelia's chest and just when she wants to give up, Amelia wakes up coughing.
Matt quickly turns her on her side so she can spit out all the water and breathe in fresh air.

After she calms down and gets her breath back, the witch drops back onto her back.
"I hate this small town more and more," she croaks with a sore throat and Matt brushes a strand of hair from her face.
"Welcome to Mystic Falls, Amy"

"Yeah, fuck you too, Matt"


Angry and wrapped in a towel, Amelia follows Matt and Bonnie down the high school hallway.
"As soon as you get better, I'm going to kill you," Bonnie scolds her friend, who looks guiltily at Amelia and then back at her.
"It worked. I saw her. I saw Vicki," he confesses, and the older Bennett perks up.
"Vicki? As in Vicki Donovan?
Your very dead sister?" she inquires, upset, and Bonnie grimaces, knowing she's about to be lectured.
"Did you?" Bonnie continues the conversation as if her cousin hadn't said anything and Amelia pushes herself between the two.

"You don't get to ignore me after what just happened.
I almost died so you could talk to a ghost?!" she hisses in disgust and Matt lowers his eyes.
"Yeah, but..."
"Fuck your excuse, Matt, as soon as I take care of my wound, I'm going to kick your ass"
"Fine, but I have one more message before you do that.
A message to both of you"

"For us? And what does Amelia have to do with the current situation?" Bonnie asks and Matt shrugs his shoulders.
"The message comes directly from the witch who put the hybrid curse on Klaus.
She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus' ritual.
The hybrids can't turn because Elena is still alive," he delivers the news and Amelia rolls her eyes.
She already misses her home and her beloved bed.

"Tyler is going to die, isn't he?" the younger witch concludes, but a new voice answers her instead of Matt.

Klaus appears in front of them, grinning.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Given the choice, doppelgänger or hybrid, I always choose the hybrid," he clarifies his intentions and the two high schoolers begin to protest.
He ignores them, however, as soon as his gaze falls on Amelia, who looks pale and slouches forward a bit.
"I can smell your blood all the way here, love.
Mouth watering, yet somewhat distracting," he turns to her and she raises her middle finger in the air without looking at him.
"Next time I'll bleed out a little more odorless for you, asshole," she grumbles at him and he bites his wrist with a sigh before pressing it against her lips and forcing it to drink.

Bonnie and Matt yell in shock as he could kill her at any moment now, but Amelia is just happy that her wound is healing.
And Klaus himself would never admit it, but it wasn't him smelling the blood that bothered him, it was her pained face.
It sparked a nauseous feeling in his stomach and he wanted to get its trigger out of the way as quickly as possible.
When she had enough, he disappeared without saying anything.

Bonnie quickly pulls Amelia to her side and hugs her in relief.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know it was so dangerous here.
Klaus was gone and I didn't think he would ever come back," she apologizes and the older of the two twists out of her grip.
"I don't want to hear any more nonsense tonight, Bon.
I'm going to Grams' house. I'll see you tomorrow," she shuts down the conversation abruptly and leaves them both at the school.


A/N: new story :) any opinions or feedback you'd like to share?

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