twenty one

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Wrapped in blankets, Caroline and Amelia sit on the couch of the Forbes family's living room.
The end of The Notebook is playing on the TV and Caroline is crying as they munch on snacks.

"Why can't Tyler and I have a love like Annie and Noah?" she wails with a mouthful of popcorn, shedding more tears.
Amelia worriedly looks at her from the side and pulls her into her arms.
"I don't know, Care. I thought everything was okay between you two"
"This is all Klaus' fault!
He turned Tyler into his minion and is destroying his life with this stupid sire bond.
And Tyler just lets him!" she continues to complain, sobbing into her friend's shoulder.
A bit overwhelmed, Amelia strokes her hair until she calms down, while watching the credits of the movie.

"Sorry for the whining.
It's just that my birthday isn't a good thing anymore, and now my relationship with Tyler is going down the drain," the vampire apologizes after a while and sits up sniffling.
"Yes, Tyler may no longer have a will of his own, but he still loves you and fights for you.
Isn't that enough for now?" Amelia asks, feeling a little guilty.

She told Klaus to do everything he could to get rid of Jeremy.
And then he ordered Tyler to do the dirty work.
So the witch is somewhat responsible for Caroline's tears and she feels bad.
"He almost killed Jeremy!" Caroline shrieks in horror.

"I mean..."

"Don't even start, Amelia.
You would have felt guilty if he was suddenly dead after all your nasty words," Caroline grumbles and Amelia rolls her eyes.
"I sure wouldn't.
I don't give a damn about that little drug junkie," the witch replies, and Caroline raises an eyebrow.
"And your boyfriend probably didn't mean anything to you either before he died in that car accident.
Yeah, right, keep lying to yourself.
If it makes you feel less like shit, then who cares about other people's feelings, right?
You always push them away and put on a mask" the vampire sasses, then widens her eyes in shock.

"Crap. Amy, I didn't mean that..." she tries to apologize, but the Bennett witch is already angrily grabbing her bag and stomping out of the living room.
The fucking audacity this girl has to bring this up!
Caroline quickly jumps up and runs after her.
"Wait, please!
Sometimes I speak before I think, but I didn't mean a word I said"
"Fuck you, Caroline.
You know very well that those subjects still hurt. I told you how I feel and you used it against me.
Yes, it's your birthday and you're miserable, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick to me," Amelia yells at her and is about to grab her shoes when Caroline suddenly pulls her behind her with lightning speed.


Out of nowhere, three people jump in front of the duo.
"Happy birthday!" Matt awkwardly yells with a party hat on his head, while Elena and Bonnie throw confetti and balloons into the room.
Just the people I didn't want to see.
They only heard the last few sentences of the argument, but that's enough to make the situation uncomfortable.


Still hurt by Caroline's words, Amelia wriggles out of the vampire's grip.
Bonnie worriedly glances in her direction, but the older Bennett simply ignores it and discreetly wipes a tear from her cheek.
"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asks in surprise, and Elena takes off the crown she is wearing and puts it on Caroline's head.
"Well, you skipped school and missed our birthday artwork, so..." she explains.

"Put on warmer clothes, we're going to the falls.
S'mores, bonfire..."
"Cake! Just like when we were little," Elena completes Bonnie's sentence and raises the cake they brought.
"Except for the tequila!", Matt adds with a smile, before putting his arm around Amelia to quietly comfort her.
He's noticed her tear, but he knows by now that she doesn't like to talk about feelings.
"Thanks, guys. Really, um, I just don't feel like having a birthday this year"
"Shocker," Amelia grumbles, and everyone looks at her.

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