ninety one

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Outside, Dean approaches the entrance to the Grill and looks around.
"There's no sign of anyone," he tells Klaus who's on the phone with him.
"Stefan is coming at him from the other side.
He'll free the hostages, your job is to get Connor out alive. And use caution, mate.
He favors booby traps and ambushes," Klaus orders.


Inside the Grill, Connor finishes setting up the werewolf venom bomb.
Jeremy sees a stake and slowly walks towards it, Amelia following closely behind.
"You may be a potential hunter, but if you make one move, I'll break all twenty seven bones in your hand," Connor warns the boy and the witch glares at him.
"And I'll skin you alive if you touch him," she threatens him, no longer wondering why she's so protective over the boy.
She accepted it and welcomes the feeling of actually caring about someone again.
That means that dying and thirsting for revenge hasn't completely changed her.

"They're not all bad, you know.
Some of them, they're my friends," Jeremy says and Connor scoffs.
"Your friends, huh? Yeah, I had a friend like that once.
She got turned by this vampire I was hunting. He thought it would be ironic"
"What happened to her?" Amelia asks curiously.
One of the reasons why she hates being a potential hunter is that she won't have a future with Rebekah, Stefan or Klaus if she's trying to kill them.

"I didn't want to hurt her.
She promised that she would keep it under control, but...a vampire's like a loaded gun. Eventually it's gonna go off.
That's why I got this," Connor explains and shows them a piece of his tattoo near the crook of his elbow.
"So, you killed your own friend?!" Jeremy says in disbelief.
"Listen, if you're gonna be like me, you need to understand.
Vampires kill humans, hunters kill vampires," Connor reminds them and then turns his head when he hears a noise near the front.

"We've got company," he mutters, turns off the lights and turns on very loud music.
Amelia grabs Jeremy and pushes him down to the floor to keep him out of harms way.
Dean opens the front door moments later and carefully inspects the doorway.
He notices a tripwire right in front of him, then glances to the right and sees a loaded bomb.

The hybrid carefully steps over the wire and onto the mat.
But a light goes off under it and a bomb is activated.
Nate doesn't notice and closes the door carefully behind him.
When he lifts his foot from the mat the bomb goes off and he goes flying through the air due to the force of the explosion.

Matt and April are still in the back and are startled by the loud noise.
"Oh my God"
April starts to back up and runs into Stefan who came through the tunnels.
He covers her mouth and places his finger to his lips, telling her to be quiet.

Outside of the backroom, Dean slowly starts to get up.
He is covered in nails, blood and shards of glass.
Connor approaches him with a gun and Dean raises his hands in surrender.
The hunter doesn't care though and shoots the gun, blowing a hole clean out of Dean's chest.
The hybrid dies instantly and drops to the floor.
Amelia gags at the sight and pulls Jeremy behind a table.
"I can't believe we're in the middle of a shooting.
It's a different kind of first date," Amelia tells the boy, trying to lighten the mood.
Jeremy chuckles and grabs her hand.


In the backroom, Stefan hands Damon's phone with the map on it to Matt.
"Follow this map, get out of here, take her to Caroline so she can..."
It's obvious that he's talking about compulsion.
Matt nods, takes April and starts to walk away before he stops to speak to the vampire.
"Stefan, that guy is armed.
If you go out there, he's gonna kill Jeremy and Amelia," he warns him.
"No one's killing anyone. Go," Stefan responds.

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