one hundred and four

789 41 7

The Bennett witch turns off the engine of her car and stares uncertainly at the place where she has taken Bonnie.
'Mystic Falls Cemetery' is written in capital letters on the sign at the entrance and Amelia feels a heaviness on her chest at the thought of who she's about to visit.
Being here could help Bonnie or only worsen her condition but Amelia knows she has to try.

"Wake up," she says, looking over at Bonnie who is asleep in the passenger seat.
Her cousin isn't moving, though.
That's why Amelia flicks her fingers against her temple which startles Bonnie.
Disoriented, she looks around before spotting Amelia next to her.
"Do you have to scare me like that?" she grumbles sleepily, holding her hand in front of her mouth as she yawns.
Amelia just chuckles and gets out of the car.
She then walks towards the entrance gate of the cemetery and leans against it.

Bonnie looks after her in confusion before realizing where they are.
Her eyes widen in surprise and she hesitantly gets out of the car.
"What are we doing here?"
"The two of us have never been to her grave together.
I think it's finally time," Amelia replies, opening the squeaky gate.
Her cousin shakes her head, however, causing the older of the two to sigh.
"I can't just show up at her grave after causing her so much pain," Bonnie says with tears in her eyes.

Amelia looks at her sadly before walking up to her cousin.
In her heart, she knows she will never forgive Bonnie for this, but she is slowly beginning to understand that Bonnie feels the same way.
So why should she carry her hatred around when her cousin is already suffering enough?
Grams didn't want Amelia to stay bitter and angry.
"We both know she's already forgiven you.
Come with me and make her happy," Amelia tries to cheer her up, taking bonnie by the hand before leading her to the cemetery.


Damon is still in the cellar, looking weak.
He hears footsteps and sees Stefan looking at him through the bars.
"You coming to snap my neck again?
Because I woke up feeling completely un-murderous and I'm pretty sure that it's safe to set me free," Damon says and Stefan throws a vial of blood towards him.

"Oh man, really? You practically bled me dry.
At least spring for a bag or something. I'm thirsty," the older brother complains and Stefan sets a water bottle between the bars of the door.
"Not exactly what I had in mind"
Damon gets up, still groaning in pain, and walks over to grab the water bottle.
He then sees Klaus standing on the other side behind his brother.

"Hello, mate"

"What the hell are you doing here?" he asks him, appalled.
Klaus smiles smugly and walks closer.
Damon rolls his eyes at his answer and Stefan turns to the hybrid.
"Ugh, why didn't you call witchy over?
I'd rather spend my imprisonment with someone I like," Damon complains again but his brother ignores him.

"Give him a vial of blood every couple of hours, so he doesn't desiccate.
If he gets too much strength back or if he just annoys you, bleed him out again," Stefan explains and Damon raises an eyebrow.
"Silent treatment, huh? Is that your best shot?"
He then looks at Klaus.
"He's still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena"

The hybrid chuckles and puts his hands behind his back.
"You sure about that?
'Cause I saw him trying to sneak out of Rebekah's bed this morning which would suggest to me that he's moved on," Klaus says, causing Stefan to sigh and Damon to frown.
"Well, well. Looks like my brother ripped out a page of my revenge-sex handbook"
"Well, why don't you two enjoy your little, uh, villain bonding time?
I'll let you know when I get the dagger from Rebekah," Stefan says and leaves.

He's just walking up the stairs when his phone starts to ring.
The vampire stops to look at it and hesitates before decides to answer it.
"Damon's fine. I locked him up with all the creature comforts he deserves," Stefan tells his ex-girlfriend and Elena sighs.
"That's not why I called...Kol tried to kill Bonnie"
Stefan's eyes widen in shock and he walks out of the house to get out of Klaus' earshot.
"What? Is she okay?" he asks in concern.

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