eighty five

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Lost in her thoughts, Amelia drives her car through the streets of Mystic Falls.
After the explosion at the hospital, she has left from a side exit to avoid drawing further attention to herself.
Besides, she didn't want to be questioned by Damon about why she was sitting on the floor in a trance.


She slowly drives towards a traffic light that turns red, which is why she stops.
But as soon as the car comes to a stop, her passenger door suddenly opens and Caroline gets in.
The witch looks at her in confusion.
"What are you doing?" she asks her friend and starts driving as soon as the light turns green again.

"Well, Stefan just called me and asked for us to come over.
And since we haven't talked in what feels like ages, I thought we could go together," Caroline answers and Amelia furrows her brows.
"What does he want?"
"I don't know but we're about to find out. He's waiting at the Boarding House"
The witch sighs and starts driving towards their new destination.

"So, how have you been?
Did you enjoy your time off?" Caroline is genuinely curious but Amelia can hear a bit of judgement in her voice.
"I enjoyed it very much. How have you been?
How did it feel to not die after you thought you would?" Amelia replies and Caroline scoffs.
"Well, I don't know since I didn't get time to process things.
I thought Tyler was dead and I just found out that you drove Elena off a bridge and left town," the vampire says and Amelia chuckles.

"I apologize for transferring Klaus to Tyler, making you think he died.
But I'll never feel guilty for killing Elena and Alaric. It needed to be done and that bitch is still alive.
No hunter to kill everyone and I get to watch Elena hate her existence as a vampire," Amelia says and her friend looks at her in disbelief.
"You really mean that?"
"Of course," Amelia answers.

"You've changed.
Not just physically, but also your character and the way you look at things"
"I left this town when I was at my worst...mentally.
Mystic Falls broke me. And then I lost Grams again.
Grief changes people," the witch mutters and Caroline sighs.
"I know and I get it. Bonnie is still cooped up in her house, refusing to forgive herself.
This must've been just as hard for you," the blonde says and Amelia laughs bitterly before she drives up to the Salvatore's home.

"Let's not talk about her right now. I don't want to lose my temper and blow up my car"

Caroline looks at her in surprise and is about to say something else but Amelia parks her car and gets out before she can.
"Amelia, just wait..."
The witch ignores her, walks up to the door and enters the house.
Caroline follows in vampire speed to catch up with her.

Stefan is in the parlor with a drink in hand and turns around to face them.
"Thanks for coming"
Stefan sits down on the couch and Caroline walks into the room while Amelia stays where she is.
"Not every day I get summoned by a Salvatore. So, what's up?" the blonde says.
"It better be important," Amelia adds and crosses her arms.

Stefan nods and takes her appearance in before he clears his throat and looks at Caroline.
"Do you remember what you were like before you turned?"
"You mean an insecure control freak?" she asks and Stefan laughs.

"You grew into yourself when you became a vampire. You changed.
And Elena, she's changing too, and I want her to be able to enjoy it, without all the guilt and shame that I went through.
And there was a moment today when she did.
And when I'm with her, every bone in my body tells me to join her. To enjoy it.
But, I know that if I do, even a little, I risk becoming him...the Ripper.
I love her, and I don't want to hold her back," Stefan explains and Amelia almost gags at the word love.
Stefan notices and looks at her with pleading eyes.

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