fifty three

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Stefan is leaving for Klaus and Elena follows him to the door.
"Stay with Caroline. I'll call you when it's over"
"Stefan, stop. Klaus is stronger than you, we need another plan," she tells him and he growls in frustration.
"What we need is for Klaus to be dead," he snaps and grabs his keys.
Elena grabs Stefan and turns him around.
"Stefan, stop it! You're acting on anger!"

"Anger gets things done, Elena!" the vampire yells in her face and she frowns.
"Or it'll get you killed!
It'll get Damon killed along with you," the doppelgänger argues but he just shakes her off.
"Klaus does not get to survive this.
Not after everything he took from me"
Stefan walks out and slams the door.
Elena flinches and Caroline enters the front hall.

"I miss well-adjusted Stefan," the blonde mutters.

Suddenly, the door flies open and Stefan is thrown through it.
Sage enters the house after him.
"Ding dong"
Caroline goes to attack her, but Sage throws her to the ground.
"I'm not here for you. I'm here for him," she tells Caroline and walks towards Stefan.
Elena runs to the front door, but Troy suddenly appears and blocks her path.
"I don't think so," he says and grabs the Gilbert.

Sage approaches Stefan and he looks at her in panic.
"I had to kill him, Sage-"
"Oh, so you do remember me," she interrupts him angrily and then kicks him, causing him to fly into a chair.
"Good. Then you know I like to go all ten rounds"
She is about to grab Stefan when she starts to cough and her nose bleeds.
Stefan looks up at her in confusion.

"Sage?" Troy calls her name.
Stefan slowly gets to his feet.
Sage sees that and throws a punch at him, but he easily grabs her fist and throws her to the ground.
She starts coughing up more blood immediately.
"Troy, help me!"

Troy releases Elena and rushes over to Sage.
All of a sudden, he bends over and coughs up blood as well.
"What is happening to me?" Sage whimpers before she and Troy turn grey and drop to the ground.

Elena and Caroline stare at each other in shock before they slowly walk over to the two dead bodies.
"She just died!"
"So, Sage and this Troy guy die within an hour of Finn," Caroline concludes, her brain already working on the newest mystery.
"But why? Were they bitten by a hybrid or...?"
"Elena, hybrid bites don't look like that. Maybe Sage was so in love with Finn she just died of sadness"
"No, that doesn't explain Troy," Elena disagrees with Caroline.

"It's the blood. The bloodline. It has to be.
Think about it: Finn turned Sage, Sage turned Troy.
They're all part of the same vampire bloodline that originated with Finn," Stefan says after a while of them thinking.
"Wait, so when an Original dies every vampire turned from their bloodline dies along with them?
Because that would mean..."
"If the Originals die, so do all of you.
The entire vampire species'd just be dead," Elena says in worry.


Damon is still strung up by the traps.
Stefan enters the room with a duffel bag and looks at his brother in shock.
Damon has blood dripping out of his eyes, nose, ears and mouth.
He looks exhausted and pale.
His body is covered in sweat and slowly healing wounds.
But seeing Amelia stabbing a knife in his brother's gut shocks Stefan the most.

He immediately flashes to her side and rips her off Damon.
"Oh, hi," she greets him with a smile, her eyes darker than usual.
"What the hell are you doing?" he asks her in irritation.
"I'm taking revenge, pretty boy.
You didn't think I'd just come back and let everybody believe they could get away with crossing me, did you?"
"Why Damon? We had a deal!" he hisses and she sighs.
"And I'm honoring that-"
"No, you're not," he interrupts her and she turns back to Damon.

Tainted desires: TVD [1] ✔️ Where stories live. Discover now