chapter 13

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it's been two months since billie came to see me and honestly, she's all that's on my mind. let me catch you up a little on what's been going on. first and foremost, i shot somebody.

yeah i was shocked at first too. little did i know how it would change my life. and honestly, jail would probably be better than my current situation.

so now, sitting in a hotel bed in pennsylvania, im rethinking my life choices. "girl what you wanna eat?" jaylin asked and i sighed. i shrugged, throwing my phone across the bed in boredom.

"you can't just not eat, della." jay said to be disapprovingly. i shrugged again. "i wanna go outside." i whined. "you know you can't." i sucked my teeth. "why the fuck shouldn't i at this point?"

"don't raise your voice at me. you're dead the one that shot him in the first place. now you got your stupid ass some opps. people overlooked you della and now they wanna kill you. you better hope the fucker isn't dead." she said and my eyes welled with tears.

"stop acting like i wanted to kill him! it was me or him!" i screamed, jumping up from the bed. "well i wouldn't know. you refuse to speak about it for some reason." she said.

"i-" i started but felt the ball in my throat grow thick. "whatever, jay. when you shoot someone write a fucking novel about it and read it aloud to me." i said sarcastically and went into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"im going to mcdonalds." she shouted and i heard the hotel door close behind her. my phone buzzed and i ran to the bed to see who it was. of course it was billie.

i answered the facetime call.

"dellyyyyyyyy!" she screamed making me smile.

"hi billie." i said calmly only showing a part of my face.

"where you at?" she asked, smacking on some food.

"im still staying with jaylin." i said and her eyebrow raised. "damn y'all always in the room? your story been dry as hell."

"we're in our boring era." i lied easily. she snorted. "no but forreal, what's good?" of course she saw right through me like she always did.

"when are you gonna come see me again?" i asked her, ignoring her question. she gave me a stern look, before rolling her eyes. "you'd think us almost getting shot together would bring us closer together." she said begrudgingly.

"let's not talk about getting shot." i said with a nervous laugh.

"did you get shot?" she asked, and i rolled my eyes. "billie. no i didn't."

"i don't know what crawled up your ass and died but i hope you shit it out soon." she said. i just stared at her and watched her eat. im definitely not in the mood to argue.

"delly, tell me what's happening." she said softly and my eyes immediately glossed over with tears. the subject was just too fresh.

i shook my head, hiding my face from the camera. "you know you can trust me. i may not be there in person but i wanna be here for you mama." she said and that did it.

tears flowed freely down my face. "billie..." i started but was interrupted by my own sobs.

i recalled the moment that everything happened.

my door busted open, my fuming uncle in the door. "where's my money bitch?" he screamed, yanking the covers off of me.

"bro stop!" i yelled, trying to cover my naked bottom half. he landed a slap that was painful even through the blanket. "get your ass up cause i want my money." he pulled my arm and dragged me out of the bed causing me to fall.

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