chapter 16

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billie 🍀

i watched della slip in and out of consciousness, her breathing becoming more and more unstable by the moment. my heart pounded in my chest, anxiousness overcoming me.

"ma'am, let go of the gurney. let go." the ems technician pried my hands off of della, putting her into the back of the ambulance. jay climbed in after her and asked what hospital they were going to. she climbed back out, walked towards me and grabbed my shoulders.

"billie.. i know this situation is seriously fucked but i need you to pull it together. i need to check on della's brother. i haven't heard from him all day. go with her to the hospital and make sure she's okay. i'll be there." she said and i nodded, still inconsolable from the events that i just witnessed.

the ride to the hospital felt unbearable, watching ems try and save della's life. she had gauze packed into her wounds and an oxygen mask over her face. her heartbeat was irregular and fading quickly. i willed and willed for her to be okay, our story was just getting started.

when we arrived at the hospital she was rushed to the intensive care unit. i waited in the er for hours, curled up into my jacket that was covered in her blood. eventually, my adrenaline wore out and the fatigue set in, putting me straight to sleep.

"miss... miss.." a voice woke me up, i opened my eyes to see a doctor standing in front of me. i groggily lifted my head, seeing that the sun was now shining through the window. "are you here for della hixson?" the doctor asked and i nodded eagerly. "she's currently in a medically induced coma. luckily the bullet went straight through her torso and barely missed her spleen. she's expected to make a full recovery. she's extremely blessed." i felt my shoulders drop in relief at the doctors words.

"can i visit her?" i asked and the doctor nodded, ushering me to follow him. when i was in the room, i looked at della's still frame, taking a seat next to her. "hey delly.. jay would've been here but she went to check on your brother. i still haven't heard from her but don't worry." i spoke to her as if she was awake and could respond. i looked at her heart monitor, it beeped steadily.

"im sorry this happened to you, delly. this is so fucking unfair. i swear im bringing you back to cali with me fuck this place." i couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes. "you got me crying like a little bitch." i said and laughed slightly.

"the doctor said you'll make a full recovery so hurry up and do that cause i need your fine ass." i said and the heart monitor sped up a little, letting me know she could still hear me. i kissed her hand and decided to let her rest.

i left the room to call jaylin and let her know what the doctor told me. she answered after a couple of rings. "hello?" i and she answered groggily. "how's della?" she asked. i told her what the doctor told me and she sighed. "she's one tough ass bitch i knew she'd be okay." she said and i smiled. "how's her brother?" i asked and jaylin sighed.

"kayden... well he's hurt badly." she said and i stopped in my tracks. "what do you mean?" i asked and she sighed. "jason, our uncle.. he's the reason for all of this. he set kayden up. he sent him on a deal and let the opposition know where he was gonna be. he's been beaten to a fucking inch of his life. he refused to go to the hospital. i just hope he's not damaged internally or anything." she said and i sighed.

"what the fuck.." is all i could say out of pure shock. "for real, what the fuck." she said with a dry laugh. "where are you right now?" i asked. "at my apartment. kayden's sleeping in my bed and i slept on the couch." she said. "is there anything we need to do?" i asked and she laughed. "nothing that you could help me with."

"why? why not?" i asked.

"cause im going to kill jason.. and im doing it alone."

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