New years

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-Time skip

As the days went on so did the nightmares each one becoming more realistic than the other. But there was something that did not change it was the same girl and the nightmares started to be based on the present. Meaning the girl would appear in places that Harry has gone during the day which scared him, because this Harry does not want to re-visit the places again.

It was New years day and Ginny decided to take Albus, Lily, and James to the Carnival but Harry did not want to go because Harry could not think of anything else but the nightmare from last night. He knew he had to come up with a believable excuse. So Harry lied about having to attend an important meeting at the Ministry in the Muggle world and he won't be back until dinner. Thankfully Ginny agreed and she proceeded with taking the kids to the Carnival. Harry took the time to go to the pensive and look through the memories, to be sure he did not miss anything about the last battle. Harry spends many long hours going from memory to memory but everything added up, meaning what is going on is something that is from the near past. Harry sits down and rests his head in his hands and lets the tears spill out, his emotions have been bottled up for the past few days and he's not able to keep it in anymore.

Harry- "What have I done wrong, what have I missed?"

Harry sits in utter silence wondering what to do next. He finally lands on deciding on going home and by the time he got home. Ginny just pulled up in the driveway she runs in with the kids, waving a newspaper in her hand.

Ginny- "Harry, Harry, Harry, you've got to take a look at this" she frantically exclaims.

Albus and James stare at their parents in complete confusion while little Lilly is still too young to understand what's going on sits on the cold wooden floor eating candy. Ginny hands Harry the newspaper and Harry's eyes travel to the bottom section which reads "MAGIC SIGHTING, MANY ARE LEFT THINKING IS MAGIC REAL???!!!???" Harry stands there confused for a second until he realizes this newspaper was written by the muggle post. Harry stands there frozen thinking about all the danger that the wizarding world could be put in if the muggle world knew about the wizarding world's existence. Only minutes later the whole group appears at his doorstep since they all knew what has happened. They all walk inside the mansion and start having a heated conversation, out of the entire group Harry seems to be on the verge of breaking down in tears.

*Harry's thoughts* - What is going on and could this be connected to the nightmares?

Hermione snaps Harry out of his thoughts by saying there have been some unusual kidnapping accidents in the muggle world lately. Hermione being the headmistress at Hogwarts she informs them that they would have to close the barrier from going in and out of the wizarding world if this continues. Harry, Ron, and Draco nod in agreement.

"Oh one more thing before I forget I have asked the Ministry to take this post down as soon as possible so the news doesn't spread" Hermione informs them.

Once they all leave Ginny pulls Harry aside, "Harry you know how dangerous this is?

I hate to be the one to ask this but do you think this has something to do with Voldemort coming back?" Ginny asks

Harry- "No"

Harry- "But we should be more aware and cautious until we get to the bottom of this."

Ginny- "I agree."

Later that night Harry has the most startling nightmare out of all of them he sees the girl holding Hermione's time turner in her hand and is performing some kind of spell she looked like a talented witch just as the potion explodes Harry's scar splits open revealing the thunderbolt outline which leaves Harry screaming in pain. While Harry still has his eyes shut refusing to come back to reality Ginny shakes him awake.

Ginny- "Harry...Harry!!??!!!" she screams at the sight of her husband.

Harry is shot back to reality and immediately takes Ginny's hand and without another word drags her out into the hallway where he puts a protective shield over the children's bedrooms because he's got to leave the house. Before Ginny could say a word Harry places his hand over her mouth

Harry- "Trust me ok?".

Ginny is frozen as the two hops into the muggle car and drive to Malfoy manor. Harry uses his wand to contact Hermione, Ron, and Rose to meet him at the manor. They all sit down at the long black dining table that once seated Voldemort along with his death eaters. They all yell at Harry especially Ginny wondering what is going on. Harry shows them his scar and they all grow silent. Hermione is the first to walk up to Harry.

Hermione- "What...What happened Harry".

As the rest of the group calms down Ginny is only getting started she furiously walks up to Harry

"Harry James Potter, you will explain what is going on this instant" Ginny yells at her husband.

Harry- "Ok, ok, ok"

Rose and Hermione practically had to restrain her from lashing out at Harry. Harry explains everything from the nightmares to the pensive to finally the scar opening. Ginny's face turns from anger to disbelief the others have their jaws dropped and were frozen in their spots. As Harry finishes his story he adds an apology for not telling them sooner he adds on saying he wanted to keep them and their children safe. Ron lets out a sigh but walks over to Harry and places a hand on his shoulder.

Ron- "I thought you learned from the battle of Hogwarts we need each other and when one is down we will all be willing to risk our lives for you, you can't do this alone mate we are all practically family." He comforts.

Harry- "Thanks, Ron."

As the group settles down a bit Hermione gets a phone call she comes back with a face that looked like she just saw a monster. Ginny runs to her aid to make sure she is ok.

"What is it, Hermione?". Hermione swallows and begins.

"The Aurors at the castle told me my time turner has been stolen.

Harry- "WHAT??"

It took a couple of seconds for the rest to realize what he was thinking.

Draco- "Oh no, it can't be."

In my most recent dream, I saw your time turner it was in the hands of this hooded figure it was a girl that looks a little like Rose. Speaking of which where is she I called her Harry questions.

Harry- "Have you seen her Draco?"

Draco- "No, I haven't, earlier today she was here at the manor but I haven't seen her since she left for the ministry. Maybe she went home she has a hard job she must have been very tired."

Harry- "Wait Hermione did the Aurors catch who stole it"

Hermione- "No", they said she took off too fast.

Harry- "Ohhh so she a female" *makes an instant connection with the girl that he saw in his nightmares*

Hermione- "Yes"

Draco- "Let's meet at the Ministry first thing tomorrow morning we need to get some rest tonight".

They all agree and head home.

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