The fountain

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Rose- "But how do you know it's not broken or cursed, it's been sitting here for at least three decades now. We both don't know who's been here and what they did to it."

Harry- "We have to at least try, our friends are in danger their lives are on the line."

Rose- "Harry, you realize that this time turner could either bring us back or make things even worse than it already is. We at least need to find some sort of confirmation that it's real. Maybe something like a quote or something that every time turner you remember the riddle that was written on Hermione's?"

Harry- "Umm, I think it went something like this. "I mark the hours, everyone. Nor have I yet outrun the sun."

Rose- "Yeah, now check if this time turner says the same or something similar. It could be quite possible that the time turners piece together."

Harry- "Oh here it is, "I'll give you time, up till six, but when it ticks you'll feel it click."

Rose- "Up till six..." Rose repeated as she places a hand on her chin, deep in thought.

Harry- "Six seems to be our lucky number huh?" Harry asks sarcastically.

Rose- "It's everywhere basically, I think this is more of a game. We have up till 6:00 I'm guessing."

Harry- "Well that's not much time at all right?" Harry looks at his watch.

Harry- "Rose, time is back to normal! My watch's not ticking 4 times as fast anymore, it's back to speed."

Rose- "That's great! I am guessing that we were sent back to an era where time was still on our side."

Harry- "I just realized something, it's kind of like an input-output machine, I'm guessing that the unknown tampered with something from the past to mess up the future. What it that past was here?"

Rose- "That's a great assumption Harry, but there is no way of telling. Remember if we stay too long we may be trapped here, not to mention that the others are living in a reality where time is probably moving 5 times as fast now. While we are wasting time, they are fighting for it."

Harry- "But, what if we were meant to be here for a certain amount of time? Remember yesterday when we found Lucius's dead body? We both saw it, the future was one without the two of us there. Maybe that' our reality right now, maybe we were missing because we were in another time stamp."

Rose- "Yeah, but what about the others? I know that the unknown is after you and me but she could easily hurt them and make is weak."

Harry- "I agree but highly doubt it, what we saw was all of them safe and still alive...well some were not born yet. It was weird wasn't it?"

Rose- "What was?" Rose asked curiously.

Harry- "Seeing a future without yourself in it, seeing that you have a son... or seeing Draco with someone else?"

Rose- "Yeah, it was hard but I live every day like it's the last and try to spend every moment of it trying to make the right decision."

Harry- "Ok enough small talk, what's the plan?"

Rose- "In my opinion, we should probably leave the house and go explore. There could be a very high chance the unknown came back to this era to do something that triggered our future. Let's not waste time, we are always short of it. Us going back may make things worse, they could have custody of everyone and could threaten everyone's lives. Oh yeah, you should wear this, I'm already wearing the locket." Rose says as she hands Harry the time turner.

Rose and Harry make their way out of the house. They walk along the empty streets that we silent, the only sound coming from the crunch of snow beneath them. The slow glimmered as the dark moon illuminated that night sky.

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