Our open ended universe

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Harry- "Is it?"

Rose- "Yeah, I think it is..."

Harry- "But, if the unknown used the time turner to send us here then how did she manage to bring it back."

Rose- "I'm guessing time travel..."

Harry reached over to the glass case which displayed the time turner. Rose quickly placed her hand on Harry's, "Wait, what if it's a trap."

Harry- "I guess we are about to find out."

Harry opened the clear box while Rose walks around looking at every corner of the dark cave, making sure nothing was lurking from behind.

Rose's POV:

I was looking around when I noticed that both the clock and time turner had something in common it had Harry's scar engraved in it, it says something I thought to myself.

While Harry was figuring out the lock on the case to get the time turner out, I asked.

Rose- "Hey Harry, I think the unknown used these two magical objects to form a wormhole...it's the only logical explanation that I can think of, you see the time turner can only be used to a certain amount before it has to take a break and recharge because of the high level of magic being exerted. A wormhole can suck something through time and needs no time at all since it's well science." I chuckled.

Harry- "Look, I am not much of a scientist like you and Draco so please explain."

Rose- "Right I forgot." I rolled my eyes. "A wormhole is 4D and it's very unique. It has only been found to have existed in space thankfully but since we live in the wizarding world the laws of science don't apply for the most part. This theory was made by the one and only Einstein a muggle scientist, He said a certain special configuration of matter and energy allows the formation of a tunnel, a shortcut between two otherwise distant portions of the universe."

Harry- "So it's a way of time travel, something like a tunnel or shortcut through time."

Rose- "In short terms yes."


Rose- "Keep it down." I whisper yelled. "Who knows if the unknown or some creepy bloke walks in... and to answer that question it's not as easy as it sounds honestly you have higher chances of making one out of a mistake."

Harry- "So the unknown was able to make one out of a mistake."

Rose- "Yes stupid, everything Hermione said is coming true. You see the unknown used the time turner a lot to go far in the future to create this whole nightmare because of that it opened a wormhole...that's probably how she sent us here. Honestly, I have a feeling she may have broken the time turner." I scoffed.

Harry- "It's like the...the consequences of the universe, our world is going to fall apart if this continues....it's like we are living in an open-ended world the future is open with the time turner and the past is open with the wormhole."

Rose- "Yeah, we need to find a way to close them."

Harry- "I think if we can stop the unknown it may be able to stop the two-time travellers."

Rose- "Like the name, can I see that time turner for a second?"

Harry- "Yeah" Harry hands me the case. "It won't budge."

I furrowed my eyebrows and I push the small glass door towards the inside of it rather than pulling it and it opened. I tilted my head and gave Harry the eyes.

I unhooked the time turner from the small hook it was hanging from. The first thing I noticed was the time only went from 4:00-12:00 it was like all the hours before 4:00 disappeared. "This thing is broken all right, I think Hermione may be able to fix it and if she can't then we have to find McGonagall. The only person that can fix it is the real owner."

Harry opened his mouth to say something but we heard a twig crack in the distance. We both turned around to face the entrance, there was no one there yet but we heard faint footsteps that got closer by the second.

Rose- "Harry, we have to leave NOW." I whisper yelled.

Harry- "We have to bring the time turner, we can't let her perform any of her rituals or whatever this crazy hooligan does."

Rose- "We can't bring the clock though it's way too heavy..."

Harry- "We won't have to as long as she is missing one of them she isn't able to perform anything."

Rose- "True" I looked around helplessly for an exit but there was none in sight."

Harry- "I have an idea, place the time turner over your neck and bring the case. I have my invisibility cloak with me."

Rose- "Ok!"

Harry threw the cloak over our heads just before the unknown walked in.

Harry's POV:

My mouth was wide open as I placed a hand to limit the noise coming out of my mouth, I was internally screaming. I couldn't see anything because of the cloak she had on but she walked over to the table and out of luck she didn't notice anything missing. Honestly, I think that lady is blind, but in a good way for me and Rose. Rose put a small levitating charm on us so we didn't make any noise. As I had my back turned to her I heard her whisper "They won't have enough time, 5'oclock is good to go." Shocked I swung my head around and I saw a small smirk on her face. After our stressful getaway, I and Rose sprinted over to the graveyard we were both still shocked that we made it out unharmed.

Harry- "I don't understand if she went to the future then why did she not see us escaping or even entering the cave?"

Rose- "I don't know but maybe it has something to do with your mother's time turner...maybe it was meant to shield us from something like that?"

Harry- "Wait Rose, did you hear the unknown...?" Harry randomly asked.

Rose- "Hear what?" She asked as we both continued to take off towards the graveyard.

Harry- "I heard her say that 5'oclock is good to go."

Rose stopped and turned to face me.

Rose- "Then, we have to get back to the future." Rose almost yelled.

Harry- "What, why?"

Rose- "Just trust me alright?" "Plus I don't exactly know how to work this..." Rose muttered as she grabbed my mother's time turner. Rose put the necklace around both of us and turned it three clicks clockwise. Everything went blurry and then we were back...

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