6 o'clock

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Hermione's POV:

We all grabbed a hold of each other's hands and in a blink of an eye, we were apparated into the dark cemetery. As soon as my feet touched the ground something felt weird, it was nothing like the ordinary gut feeling that I had ever since this war erupted...the feeling was different. I slightly tilted my head to look at the others they all looked nothing but petrified. I noticed tears in their eyes as I looked in the direction they were staring in, we were all in the middle of a dead circle. All around were our loved ones among every single one of us, and right before my eyes memories of my childhood flashed before me, from my first step to my graduation it was all there. Every little piece of it was heart-shattering, it took everything in me to keep it together. I missed my old life, I would give anything to have it all back. But then I saw it, I saw what I was dreading to re-live. It was the old memory of me erasing my parent's memories for the better,...I regretted it and guilt washed all over me as the memory played in front of me.

Harry's POV:

As we landed I immediately noticed where we were from memories, in one of my nightmares I saw a flash of this cemetery. Confusion among us all arose and as I turned around I was frozen, my mother, father, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, and Dumbledore all stood before me clear as day. Tears began to form as I reached out my arm to slightly touch my mother's hand, she smiled at me and my hand went right through her ghost.

Dumbledore: "Harry, you have grown so much. Watching you grow from a young talented wizard to this advanced Auror."

Harry: "Professor."

Dumbledore: "Let's not get too deep now shall we? looks to me you have a final hour to battle."

Harry: "Yes, but I don't know what to do, how to protect my family, how to get the time turner back, how to save both worlds. But how are you so calm professor, things to me seem to look like they are about to end."

Dumbledore: "Because Harry, Love. Love saved you the first time, who said it was a one way ticket. It's within you, engraved deep inside. Everything you need to defeat, "the unknown" is with you Harry, it has always been with you."

Lily's eyes start to tear up as she places a hand on Harry's shoulder.

Lily: "Dear, I can't tell you much as it might ruin the timeline but I'll tell you this. Things are not always the same at one glance, from your journey I have seen that most of your trails were ruined by holograms."

Harry: "H-how did you know?"

James: "We are and always have been with you."

Sirius: "Right here." Sirius points to Harry's heart.

Rose's POV:

Amelia: (Rose's mom): "Dear, you are so so close."

Rose- "M-mom!" Rose choked out.

Amelia:- "I'm so glad you are safe, you have come so far you have grown into such lovely young women. I'm so sorry for not being able to protect longer."

I was stunned it was my mom, I have missed her every day since she left. I spent many long nights crying over her wishing she would just spend one more minute with me.

Rose- "No mom, you have done more than a mother could ever have done. I learned the truth now, I know what happened and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be alive today. Your love saved me, you gave your life to protect mine. You lied to protect me, I couldn't even ask for more."

My mom's eyes were drowned in tears as she slowly wrapped her arms around me, and I returned the same.

Authors note:

I will write a Prequel to what happened with Rose.

Amara- "I love you, stay strong, and whatever the heck happens trust your gut nothing less nothing more."

Rose- "I will mom, I promise."

Ron's POV:

Ron- "Fred!!!" I shouted.

Fred- "If it isn't my baby bro RONALD WEASLEY!" He shouted as he smiled towards me.

I ran to him as fast as I could and gently touched his ghost.

Ron- "I missed you, so much, and I still do."

Fred- "I missed you too, I've seen what has happened. I'm sorry I wasn't able to live long enough to protect you from such danger. But I have to tell you this, don't give up now you are so close and this war will only get worse before it gets better to stay strong for me."

Ron- "I will Freddy, I will."

Fred- "Before you go, please tell mum and dad I love them and also let Georgie know I miss my other half."

Ron- "No problem."

Draco's POV:

Lucius- "Draco"

I slowly turned around to face the familiar voice.

Draco- "D-dad, sorry I mean father?" I stuttered.

Lucius- "Dad would do just fine son, I'm so sorry for everything."

Then I felt it, something I was longing for. A hug, a sense of love from my father. It felt amazing.

Draco- "I forgive you, father." As I hugged back.

Lucius- "What I did to you was something a father never should have done, and I'm so so sorry. There's nothing that could ever make up for what I did to ruin your childhood, but I've thought about it and come to a decision. I want to give you my blessing to marry Rose Amara Alan."

My eyes widened as I stood there frozen.

Draco: "Thank you, dad, thank you so much."

My dad slowly reached up as he wiped my tears away gently.

Lucius- "You have made me so proud and continue to, fight for yourself, your friends, your family, and most of all your future. The two worlds lie upon your shoulders as well as your friends. Don't make the wrong decision." Lucius chuckled at the last part.

Draco- "I won't." I chuckled back.

Lucius- "Now go fight, and make Rose a Malfoy alright?"

Draco- "I will."

Lucius- "One last thing, tell your mother I love her alright?"

Draco- "Absolutely."

Lucius- "I love you Draco Lucius Malfoy."

Draco- "I love you too father."

Ginny POV:

Voldemort: "You have done well young Weasley."

Voldemort: "Everything is going according to plan."

Ginny- "Yes, it is, indeed it is my lord."

The END.

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