"Will she wake up?"

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Hermione- "Excuse me we would like to know about Rose Alan's current medical state please."

Lady at the front desk- "I am sorry ma'am but I am legally not allowed to give away the information unless one of you are in her contacts." She rolls her chair over to a large filing cabinet. "Looks like I have one name recorded here." She raises a brow waiting for one to speak up.

Ginny- "Draco....."

Draco- "It should be under Tom Felton."

Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny give him a confused look.

Lady at the front desk- "It says Thomas Felton sir."

Draco- "Same thing." Draco starts to grow impatient.

Lady at the front desk- "Alright, well Rose is currently in a very serious condition. She has been hurt, whoever hurt her is very powerful. We are all very shocked that she is still alive, she is indeed very powerful both inside and out. But she is only barely alive, sadly we can lose her any second from now to tomorrow morning. We put her in a coma and life support, but even with all this equipment, her body can easily give up on her right now. I am so sorry, but I don't know if she is going to be ok right now. But you can go visit her right now and say goodbye just in case. I can let one in at a time. Who would like to go first?"

Harry- "I can't" Harry walks away with tears in his eyes.

Harry's POV:

Rose may never wake up, she was practically on her death bed. She was like the sister I never had, she was there for me through it all. She was not only my best friend but my family. Rose gave her life up for me more than once, I needed her in my life, I loved her so much as a sister, friend, companion, partner in crime, and so much more. We would always be there for one another, from Hogwarts to our adulthood. My tears came pouring out, so much was on my shoulders I felt nothing but depression. Not only Albus was missing but I was about to lose one of the most important people in my life. I can't imagine what Draco must be feeling right now.

Hermione gently nudges Draco, "Do you want to go in first? she is yours anyways." Hermione's mouth forms a sad smile. Draco doesn't say anything but simply nods.

Draco's POV-

I walk into the darkroom, tubes were running everywhere. Some from her wrists and one through her nose to help her breathe, I stood there frozen for a moment trying to take in the scene. I took a deep breath and took my hands out of my pockets, I slowly started walking towards Rose. Even after all that she still looked beautiful, I carefully moved a piece of hair off her face and tucked it behind her ear. My tears wanted to come spilling out but I held that back with all my might, I had to be strong for Rose.

"Rose I don't know if you can't hear me, but if you can please just listen. Keep fighting, I can't lose you none of us can. You have so many people wanting you to come back, all of your friends will be here when you wake up. I love you so much, Rose Alan." I gently kissed her forehead. I carefully stand up not wanting to knock any medical equipment over, and make my way over to the door and let out a sad sigh. I miraculously hear her heart monitor beeping, it starts picking up the pace. I whip my head around and walk closer to the monitor, I pinch myself on my arm and yelp in pain. A smile creeps onto my lips as I place my hand on Rose's heart, I hear a faint but steady heartbeat. I sprint out of the room and inform the head nurse.

Head nurse- "There is no way she is breathing on her own."

Draco- "Yes she is, the heart monitor is at a steady pace."

Head nurse- "And how would you know?"

Draco- "I was a doctor before." Draco exclaims.

Everybody runs into the room to see the monitor beeping at a normal pace, they all break down into happy tears. Ginny runs down to the lounge where Harry was sobbing.

Ginny- "Harry!, Rose is breathing on her own. She is going to be ok!"

Harry lifts his head in shock and runs to the room where Rose and the others were. After a couple of minutes, Rose's eyes flutter open. Draco grabs Rose's cold hand gently and gives her a sincere smile.

Draco- "Rose you are ok!"

Rose- "What happened?"

Draco- "You were hurt and brought to the hospital, the doctors and nurses thought you weren't going to make it."

Rose playfully rolls her eyes.

Rose- "I love you Draco Malfoy."

Draco- "And I love you Rose Alan, but there is a lot for us to catch you upon."

Rose- "What are you talking about?"

Draco- "Albus is missing, he was most likely abducted. I and the team already did a full investigation on the scene and found some substances that we need you to identify."

Rose- "WHAT???!!!!!??? We need to find Albus." Rose slowly tries to sit up.

Draco- "No, you need to rest. You are still too weak right now."

Rose- "But..." Draco interrupts her.

Draco- "No but's princess."

Rose- "Fine"

The others also get their turn in talking to Rose.

Harry's POV:

"I thought I was going to lose you Rosy!"

Rose lightly chuckles as she wraps her arms around Harry.

"Thankfully I don't die that easily," Rose says sarcastically.

"Yeah" Harry replies.

-Time skip

Rose's POV:

Destination: Rose's lab

Rose- "Hey Draco, want to assist me?"

Draco- "I would love to, darling."

Draco smiled and gosh his smile lights up the entire room, and I handed him a lab coat and medical gloves.

We ran a scan and I was checking the results. My eyes turn wide as I thought there was a mistake.

Rose- "Draco, I think we should do a DNA test on this substance just to double-check."

Draco- "Ok"

I ran another test and found out some disturbing news.

Rose- "If this test is correct, we are up against something more than powerful. This is part of Voldemort's past, it's his DNA but it's mutated somehow it's gotten far stronger. I know this kind of magic but it's far worse than dark magic, I have never seen it in person before. I've only seen samples. One drop of this can control you and turn you into a completely different person."

Draco- "Well that's just great." Draco says sarcastically.

Rose- "I think we should find the others and tell them."

Draco walked out of the room swiftly while taking off his medical gloves.

Draco- "So I have some news the liquid is mutated basically. It is part of Voldemort's DNA but way more powerful one drop of that and it can control you to the point you are begging for death, it's vile."

Ginny- "That's terrible."

Rose walks into the lounge where the others are, "I took a closer look at it under a microscope and it shows that some of the particles are originated were all dark magic started. Rosedale Closing."

Harry- "Well that's where we need to go." Harry has his hand on his chin as he stands up.

Rose- "Your right, let's go and not waste any time."

Ginny- "HARRY!!!!

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