MOM??!!, DAD??!!

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An old cackle erupts from a cracked voice,

You know who- "Young Harry Potter and Rose Alan, long time no see."

Rose's eyes twitch as a hex comes flying at Draco, Draco had his backed turned while Rose sprinted in front of him shielding him with a nonverbal spell. Rose's sudden movement caused Draco to whip around to see a hurt, Rose.

You know who- "I see you care deeply about Mr. Malfoy Rose Alan or should I say Rose Malfoy?"

Harry- "WHERE ARE YOU????!!!!!???, SHOW YOURSELF!!!!" Harry screams at the top of his lungs.

You know who- "If I were you I would oblige unless you don't want to see your beloved Albus Potter."

Ginny- "WHERE IS HE" Ginny screams with tears welling in her eyes, she steps forward in the direction where the voice was coming from with her wand in front of her.

Hermione- "Ginny no" Hermione softly says as she tries to pull her friend back.

You know who- "Well wouldn't you like to find out where your son is, follow me and you will see all the answers to all the nightmares, mysteries, everything. I can show you the future and the past."

Ginny hesitantly steps forward.

Ron- "Bloody hell Ginny, are you out of your mind????"

You know who smirks as he widens his eyes and keeps talking.

You know who- "I know all your secrets, your weaknesses, desires, EVERYTHING. I am and will always be at least a step ahead of all of you, I am the future."

Ron being the stupid self he is decided to ask.

Ron- "Prove it"

You know who starts laughing.

You know who- "Who should I start with, how about Rose Alan the girl I have desired to kill from the very beginning. Your weakness was the hardest thing to find because of the secretive person you are, but after all these years I finally have found it. It's LOVE, just like your mother you are willing to risk your life for the person you love, I hate to say it but it indeed did save your life as well as your friends more than once now. But your weakness is not loving itself is what it can do to you, you are so scared just like the young girl I met years ago you kept fighting but you didn't know it was also enough to almost kill you. Am I wrong?" You know who asks innocently as he smirks.

Rose straightens her posture, and she shoots the most dangerous curse known in magic history. She tries to enter your know who's mind, but it rebounds. Instead, a flash of light erupts from behind the trees and comes shooting straight at Rose, Draco jumps in front of her protecting her resulting in them both on the ground. The rest let out a terrifying shriek.


You know who- "Quite the language you got there young weasel."

Ginny- "Avada Kadavra!!!" Draco quickly gets off of Rose as he helps her up. They all watch with their jaws dropped as the spell comes shooting back coming straight at Rose again.

Draco- "ROSE, MOVE!!!"

Rose stands perfectly still and closes her eyes as the spell fades.

Rose- "Was that suppose to kill me?" Rose asks with sarcasm.

Harry- "Ahhhhhh" Harry touches his scar.

Rose- "HARRY!!"

Rose shoots out a spell using her wand this time.

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