"When it ticks you'll feel it click."

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Rose's POV:

*At the ministry*

I opened my eyes as I was met with a hooded figure, I gasped as the unknown shot me a sly smile. I shot my arm up, pointing my wand at her neck.

"Where are the others?!?" I yelled.

The unknown- "Why wouldn't you like to know?" She shot back remaining in a smirk.

Harry- "Enough small talk, what did you do to them?" Harry screamed as his wand was armed.

The unknown remained silent as she slowly walked over to me and Harry as we both started to back up till our backs were against the stone-cold wall. I thought for a slight moment if we were in the wrong era but it all seemed to fit together, which lead me to do the most unexpected. I ran forward and ripped the cloak off of the unknown, but it was just dust. There was nothing more to it.

"Agh, we were talking to another one of her illusions."

Harry- "Rose where are the others?"

"I don't know." I sobbed.

Draco- "Maybe they are right behind you love."

I and Harry turned around as fast as we could as were met with the others. Without wasting another second I jumped into Draco's arms.

Harry: "Is this real?" Harry asked wide-eyed as he wrapped his arms around Ginny.

Rose- "Hmm, I don't know. Only one way to find out." Rose smirked as she went over to Harry and slapped him hard across the face.

Harry- "OK, well we know that this is thank you so much for that Rose." Harry rolled his eyes sarcastically.

Rose- "No problem, anytime!" Rose smiled back.

Draco- "It's already past five, to be exact it's 5:06. Not that I'm complaining or anything but why hasn't some dark magic murdered another innocent being yet?"

Rose- "I don't know but we can't worry about that, we have to worry about 6:00!!!!!"

Ginny- "Isn't that the last hour?" Ginny panicked.

Harry- "It is, we haven't been able to beat her little "game" yet."

Hermione- "I'm scared, didn't the time turner say that it would give us the hours up till six?"

Ron- "I'll check"

Ron- "I mark the hours, everyone. Nor have I yet outrun the sun. I'll give you time, up till six, but when it ticks you'll feel it click."

Ginny- "You'll feel it click?" Ginny repeated. "Is that good or bad?"

Rose- "I'm just going to guess bad since nothing has been working in our favour lately."

Ginny silently nodded.

Harry's POV:

I got quite lost in Rose and Ginny's conversation. The work click repeated itself over and over in my head. Then it clicked, what if "clicked" meant an opening or a closing? Was it something that had to do with our open-ended universe? We needed to check the map.

Harry- "Check the map, we need the next location. Rose, I need to talk to you."

Draco- "I'll look at the map."

Harry pulled Rose aside.

Harry- "What if "clicked" means an open door or a closed-door waiting to be either opened or closed or even both? Something like the open-ended universe."

Rose- "Good thinking, I agree. Let's not press our luck, plus we only have 8 minutes left, since the clock is ticking 6 times faster our 60 minutes is divided by 6 making our so-called "hour" 10 minutes."

Harry rolled his eyes.

Draco- "I found it, it's not far from here either. Bloodwind Stalker cemetery."

Ron- "Never heard of it."

Draco- "Same here."

Ginny- "Bloody place is giving me the chills."

Hermione- "Oh come on! Why another stupid cemetery??!!??"

Rose- "Hmm, doesn't it seem just a bit out of the ordinary that this random graveyard just appears."

Harry- "It does, but we don't have a choice. Let's get going."

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