There are two??!!???

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Harry falls to the floor again wincing in pain as he scrunches his forehead in an attempt to make the pain go away. But it was no use they were too powerful. Harry's head flashes with scenes once more, this time Albus was being dragged through time. The unknown had a hard grasp on the collar on his shirt as they started disappearing and reappearing. Harry saw the time turner as it flickered and in a flash of light, it ended. But it was replaced with another terrifying one, Rose was being tortured by "You know who" with "The unknown" by his side. Rose was being tortured because she sacrificed herself for her friends, Draco was on his knees crying helplessly as he knew that Rose's body was about to give up on her any moment now. Everything was a mess, the wizarding world was exposed to the muggle world. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were all fighting with all their might. After that everything ended. Harry knew that there was not going to be a future.

Rose- "Harry???"

Draco- "Harry...?"

Harry- "If we don't find them right now there is NO future, I saw Rose being tortured to her death. You know who and the Unknown were working together the muggle world knew about us and everything was falling apart." Harry says sobbing. Draco lets out a tear as it rolls down his face who goes over to Rose and hugs her so tight.

Hermione- "We have no choice but to go to Rosedale closing, the place is haunted. It's where the first sighting of dark magic was found. Every witch and wizard that has gone in has either gotten sick and died or never returned."

Ron- "Bloody hell, Hermione you couldn't have told us that after we went in? Now I don't want to get anywhere near it."

Ginny- "We have no choice, Ronald."

Draco- "Rose you know the directions?"

Rose- "Er..., yes, but I am worried about you guys. Who knows what is behind that gate. None of you guys are immune to dark magic, I am starting to doubt that my magic is also not immune to it since it has gotten really powerful."

Draco- "But you were immune to everything when we are at Hogwarts, like during the battle and life after. You had all the powers that any witch or wizard could ever wish for, Legilimens, Occlumency, Hand magic, Powerful nonverbal magic, Animagus as a part of you, Shapeshifting, and your wand is wanted by the dark lord himself."

Rose- "Yes, just because he is my great-great-great grandfather he is trying to kill me as well because there was some sort of tension between the lines of my family and he honestly sees me as trouble and a competition. So technically we have no advantage this time. I was immune to dark magic because of my mom but I have not found a way for that power to serve me to its fullest."

Ron- "So what is the plan? are we going in or not? Honestly, maybe this is just a trap."

Ginny- "Shut it, Ronald."

Harry- "Some things are worth the risk. You guys will be by my side the entire time right?"

Rose- "I will try my best, I am still pretty weak from the accident."

Draco- "Sorry to say this Harry, but I can't promise anything but I will try everything in my power to hopefully keep that promise."

Harry- "What are you talking about?"

Draco- "Remember that prophecy? I have been putting a lot of thought into it. It said something about a friend's betrayal, what if the unknown is not one of our friends, and what if it's one of us who is going to betray the group? Who knows who is listening in right now?"

Ginny- "Ok, well let's go find Albus." Ginny quickly says wanting to change the topic.

Hermione- "Here's the main objective, we need to find the time turner first to bring Albus and each other home safely, and then we need to find Albus and make sure he is alright. Next, we have to find out who is the "unknown" as well as "you know who".

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