"One will fall to a friend's betrayal."

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The jagged line bursts into flames and shoots straight up into the air to a height where it was visible from any person in the room. It was so sudden it caused Harry to gasp in fear, they all grow quiet as the line begins to write swiftly. Their eyes follow the light which was the only thing illuminating the darkroom. The words slowly start to piece together as a rasping voice reads it, "One will fall to a friend's betrayal, he will feel the wrath, he will lose everything he holds most dear, I know every single one of your strengths and fears, love won't save you this time, I suggest you lose it before it's taken from you." As the voice disappears they are left with the ringing sound of a Horcrux. Harry was frozen in his spot, with his eyes split open, thoughts and ideas are racing through his mind feeling like 120wpm.

Ginny- "Harry..... Harry....??" Ginny waves her hand in front of Harry's face trying to get his attention.

As Harry's senses come back he looks around the room to see a rather shaken-up group, even Draco seemed genuinely scared.

"What, what, could this mean...?" Ginny stammers to say.

"It means that love is one thing that could either destroy us or complete us, and this time there is no love protection to save any of us." Harry closes his eyes holding back his tears.

'Wait, what does the voice mean by we will feel the wrath of a friend's betrayal?" Draco questions.

Rose- "I don't know, but I am wondering who that friend is."

Harry- "Trust me, there would be nothing more that I would want to know." Harry scowls.

Ron- "How do we know that this is not some sort of prank, you don't need to believe everything you see."

They all stop and stare at Ron while Rose rolls her eyes at his comment.

Rose- "Honestly Ron we all wish we could believe that but this is the room of requirement it will always change depending on the person's needs, therefore this was meant to happen and be seen by us."

Ron- "Oh, yeah"

Harry- "Guys I am scared, although we don't have any physical evidence I think Voldemort is behind this but who is giving him power right now is one of our friends.

"I swear once I find out who is behind this I will hex them till the next century." Harry threatens.

Ginny- "Don't be so quick to assume Harry."

Harry- "And why is that?"

Ginny- "Remember back in the second year, I did many horrible things I helped the man that almost killed all the people that I love. But I did not do it out of my own will, I did it because I was put under the influence. Whoever is behind this could also be going through the same thing."

Rose- "Ginny's right, even though I am upset that the person in your nightmares is pretending to be me I know that it may not be out of their own will rather than somebody else's."

Harry- "He is not only after me but also the rest of you he is going to make me weak because he knows my greatest fear which is losing you guys."

Draco- "It's as if he is always one step ahead of any of us, do you think this has something to do with the time-turner?"

Rose- "I do, he is probably messing up the timeline."

Draco- "I hope that isn't true."

Rose- "Agreed"

Hermione- "Wait, wait, wait, do you guys hear that sound."

Rose- "Oh my gosh I did not even realize it."

Harry- "I know that sound from somewhere, it's the sound of a Horcrux!"

Ron- "I thought all the Horcruxes were destroyed over 10 years ago."

Draco "Same, maybe there was still one that wasn't destroyed?"

Rose- "That's absurd a Horcrux holds somebody's soul which means if Voldemort died all the Horcruxes were destroyed as well."

Ginny- "Well, maybe one was brought back since we know that time turner was stolen, maybe just maybe it messed up the timeline as Rose said earlier and it probably brought one back."

Draco -"Well which one did they bring back?"

Harry starts to walk deeper into the room, the others follow close behind him with their wands drawn at the ready.

Harry- "It's getting louder"

They follow the sound until it got so loud it was literal ear piercing. Harry bends down and peaks under a pile of chairs fallen one on top of another. He spots a silver box, where the sound is coming from. Harry extends his arm as far as he could reach and luckily the box was just in his reach. As he pulls the box out and places it in his hands he feels a burn surge through his veins causing him to drop the box immediately.

Harry- "Ahhhhhh!" Harry places a hand over his scar.

Hermione places a hand on his shoulder "Harry..." Harry is screaming in agony "NO, NO"

Rose- "Harry!" Rose screams as he falls to the ground.

Harry starts seeing memories again except it shows the death eaters this time, he notices one thing before they disappeared it was the location, it was the Muggle world in an alley close to the Ministry.

Draco- "Harry, Harry?"

Harry- "I know where they are, I saw another memory it was the death eaters returning we need to get to the muggle world."

Ginny- "Wait, wait, wait, not so fast, what do we do about the Horcrux?"

Harry- "It won't let me touch it, it burns so bad."

Draco- "I'll do it." Draco volunteers.

Draco struts towards the silver-lined box and carefully opens it. The box had a red cousin and resting in the middle was indeed the Slytherin locket. Draco lifts the necklace by its chain.

Draco- "It's the Slytherin locket."

Ron- "Why would they want to bring back the Slytherin locket, the only power it had was to change a person's personality."

Ginny- "Maybe that is the whole point Ronald" Ginny glares at her older brother while emphasizing the name Ronald.

Draco- "So, who wants to wear it?" Draco asks as he spins the locket's chain around his index finger.

Harry- "Rose you are the strongest witch here and you are great at occlumency."

Rose- "I don't know."

Draco- "Come on Rosy" Draco smirks.

Rose- "Fine, but don't call me that." Rose sends her boyfriend a glare.

Draco hands Rose the necklace to put on. Rose had fear written all over her face.

Hermione- "Rose you are one of the strongest witches that ever lived probably even stronger than me, you'll be fine just concentrate ok?" Hermione starts to rub circles on her back comforting her.

Rose- "Thank you"

Rose clips the two claps at the back together, letting the necklace hanging from her neck.

Harry- "We can't stay here and wait we have to get to the muggle world immediately who knows what could be happening there."

Ginny- "Your right let's go."

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