The first encounter

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As they land by Big Ben they quickly put away their wands, knowing that they are technically in a new world and they would easily be questioned if they had them out and that was the last thing on Harry's mind. They start walking around the town square and get a little lost.

"Um, do any of you so happen to know which way is the Ministry?" Harry nervously asks.

Hermione- "So you are telling me that we have been walking around the town square for 20 minutes?" Hermione asks sarcastically.

Rose- "It's ok, of course I know the directions I quite frequently come here to visit the Minister. Follow me"

Rose leads them through the busy streets of London and they finally make it to the Ministry. As they walk through the doors they open automatically and all of them except Rose was stunned.

Draco- "Wow"

Ginny- "I didn't know muggles knew a little bit of magic."

Rose- "It's because they don't it's because of a mechanism, it senses you in its presence and it would open automatically for you it's a bit like artificial intelligence. Don't worry I was just as surprised as you all are the first time I walked through these doors"

They all walk in and continue down that long hallway except Ron. Hermione notices that Ron was not following so she turned on her heel knowing what he was probably doing.

Hermione- "Ronald Weasley!" Hermione whisper yells, the room was very spacious and there would be an echo if she yelled.

Ron- "Ok, fine" Ron rolls his eyes and continues to make his way to the others.

At the end of the hallway, there were two large doors with two bodyguards on both sides. Rose quietly knocks on the door. An elderly man comes to open it.

Rose- "Hi Jonathan, nice to see you again I have brought my friends which I am sure you know."

Jonathan scans the group and his eyes stop at Harry.

Jonathan- "Harry, your Harry potter!" Jonathan exclaims.

Harry- "Nice to meet you, Minister."

Jonathan- "Please call me Jonathan, it's a pleasure to meet you." Jonathan smiles kindly as he goes over to the others to shake their hands.

They walk into the lavish room filled with piles of books.

"We could get used to this" Rose says as she friendly nudges, Hermione.

Hermione- "Most definitely."

They walk over to Jonathan's desk and sit in silence, after what felt like an eternity of awkward silence Rose clears her throat and gently kicks Harry which goes unnoticed by everybody but Harry.

Harry- "Oh, um... Jonathan, you must be wondering why we are here. Ok, well what I am about to tell you is not easy for me to say so please excuse me if a stop all of a sudden I am sure one of my friends will over it. You must promise this does not leave this room it could risk all our lives in the wizarding world along with yours if the word gets out."

Jonathan is a bit taken by surprise but promises that he won't tell a soul.

Harry- "It's a bit of a long story, I have been having nightmares and memories of "you know who" lately. They are getting worse by the day, there has been a lot of suspicious activity back in the wizarding world. For starters Hermione's time turner has gone missing, I am not going to give you the small details but in conclusion.... ". Harry sighs and his eyes start to water.

Ginny gently places his hand in hers and starts rubbing it in comfort. Nobody spoke up at first since they all thought that Rose was going to say something but she was not paying attention instead, reading a book.

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