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"Felix I have to tell you something."

"I love you."

Felix stayed quiet, he didn't know what to say. But that's okay, because Hyunjin wasnt done talking.

"I know it's kinda weird to hear, but I love you. And I love everything about you. I want to spend all my days and nights with you. I think I've been feeling like this for a long time but I didn't know if you would return my feelings." Hyunjin chuckled, "I've wanted to tell you how I felt for so long, so I talked to Minho hyung. I think he knew all along that I love you. He helped me figure my feelings out and he helped me with this. Every little thing you did made my heart flutter, and I've never felt things like that before. Whenever I'm around you I feel safe and secure. So I guess I'm confessing to you. And if you don't have the same feelings, or your uncomfortable I'll take you home. But I dont want to keep my feelings in anymore around you."

Wow, that was a lot. "Hyunjin."

"I love you too." Felix looked up to Hyunjin and saw him looking back down to him. "I've had these same feelings for a long time. I'm glad you confessed because I honestly thought you'd never return my feelings. Sorry, I'm not very good at words. I cant express how much I love you. There is just to much to say."

Felix moved up closer to Hyunjin and gave him a long loving kiss and the older kissed back. Hyunjin cupped the boys small face and pulled him closer even though the other was almost on top of him. Words couldn't Express how happy the two were. They were young and in love with each other. When they parted they stayed in each others embrace and didn't say anything more, until Hyunjin spoke again. "So, will you be mine?"

Felix smiled, "Yes." And that was all that needed to be said.

They stayed for a little bit longer, just resting in the comfort of each others arms. Minsung finally came and the smile on both of their faces told them everything. First, Jisung yanked Felix away from the other and left the two olders alone.
Whenever they were out if ear shot Jisung shook the younger, "TELL ME EVERYTHING!"

"Hyung you'll kill me," jisung chuckled and let go of the other waiting for him to spill all of the details.

"Okay, soooo.....me and Hyunjin are together now." Jisung freaked and started jumping up and down. "I'm so happy for you, I know you've been whipped for him since forever ago."

"Says you, what about you and Minho?" Jisung frowned.
"He still hasnt said anything. But he confuses me, he will act like we're together. We'll hold hands, have deep conversations, take naps together, cuddle, go on dates, everything a couple does. But he never says if he likes me or not."

"So.....what you're saying is.....I need to whoop his ass? Because trust me I-"

"No, it's fine. Please don't say anything to him."
Felix huffed but he still agreed to what the other said. The two made their way back and saw the olders laughing while packing everything up. "Okay, were ready to go."

Minsung walked ahead of the two so they had privacy. Hyunjin grabbed Felix's small hand in his and the two walked silently side by side. No words needed to be said, you could feel the love between the two.

When they finally snuck back in their dorm they were exhausted. "Felix are you hungry?" He shook his head in reply and went to the room to change his clothes.

After getting comfy he waited in bed for Hyunjin to lay down beside him. Once the boy was done washing up he quickly layed down beside the smaller and wrapped him in his embrace, giving a small kiss on his lips.

"I love you."

"I love you more."


The book isnt done yet I have a lot of things planned :)
Merry Christmas have an amazing day/night <3

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