Change in Tides

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Chapter 21

A/N: hey everyone, good to see y'all again. Welcome back, sorry for the wait, my muse decided to fly the coop for a little bit on this one. Remember, I'm just the writer.

Trezac's brows furrowed as he felt hair slapping into his face. Opening his eyes, he sat up, sputtering as he got a mouthful of white hair. "Mornin' Trezac," Rayla said pulling her hair out of his face.

He gave her a nod, a large yawn escaped him, and he wanted to go back to sleep. But, unfortunately, the person he'd been sleeping on, on this bird was awake meaning he couldn't sleep anymore.

The elf peered around him raising a brow. "Uh? What're you doin'?"

"Mediating upon the meaning of sky," Callum answered.

"Ugh, that's more boring than any answer I would've guessed," she grumbled.

"I'm trying to connect to the arcanum, like Lujanne said, so I can use sky magic again."

"Callum, that's not how mediating works," Trezac murmured rubbing his eyes through another yawn.

"Oh, then what do you mediate about oh wise one?" Callum grumbled.

"For my people, mediation is a means of focus," he replied. "We use it to strengthen our connection to the Force and use it to gain peace of mind."

" don't focus on the meaning of things?" Callum asked.

"We focus on our emotions," Trezac deadpanned, "to keep them under control."

"Besides, didn't Lujanne also say you have to born with an acarno-what's it to do magic?" Rayla chimed in.

"No, she said you had to connect to the Primal and magical creatures are born with that connection," Callum corrected. "I don't see how I can make my own connection; I mean, Trezac can us magic, but he's not an elf or a magical creature."

"Still not magic," he mumbled.

"And Lujanne also called him a Star-Walker," Rayla countered Callum.

"Cause I'm not from Xadia," Trezac repeated for what felt like the hundredth time.

"Um, is it just me, or are we losing altitude?" Rayla asked seeming to ignore Trezac's remarks. Not that it was unusual when he tried to defend himself in regards to his origins.

"What? No way," Callum hummed, "I'm extremely attuned to slight changes in the air flow—AH!" His scream started Trezac fully awake as Phoe-Phoe lurched under them waking Ezran.

They were falling, from the sky, to the ground. This was bad.

All of the phoenix's passengers screamed as the massive bird descended to the ground, skimming over some water and crashing into the ground. The impact sent Erzan and Zym over the edge of a cliff they crashed beside, causing Rayla to leap out and grab both.

With a sigh of relief, she grinned pulling them up. "Ah, it's nice to have both hands again," she mused. And it was nice being the hero for a change too, for once.


General Amaya frowned as she gazed through her telescope. The smoke from the molten lava made it hard to see. Which made determining the other outpost's secrecy harder to determine. They'd been quiet for some time. What if something happened? Lowering them, she began signing to her lieutenant.

"General Amaya, we've searched everywhere and there's been no sign of the elves," he answered. "I think it's safe to conclude that the outpost on the Xadian side remains secret." Loud hisses came from the magma and the lieutenant smiled pointing, "There look. The signal. The outpost is secure."

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